Thursday, February 13, 2014

If Your Future Is Depend On Condemning ObamaCrapCare, You Run Anti Health Care Ads. Lies, Lies And More Lies!

Guess Who’s Paying For Obamacare Attack Ads? Democrats

February 13, 2014 by  
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How do you take on “Tea Party billionaires” (aka the Koch brothers) who think “attack ads can cover the truth?”
You buy a vulnerable Democratic incumbent an ad that covers the truth right back.
The House Majority PAC — a Democrat-aligned political action committee determined to help the Party retake a majority in the House of Representatives this year (ha!) — is banking on a wave of voter backlash over Obamacare in the midterm Congressional elections. So it’s buying up ads for Democratic incumbents that portray them as frustrated everymen fighting against President Barack Obama to reach a solution.
Tea Party billionaires think attack ads can cover the truth. Joe Garcia is working to fix Obamacare. He voted to let you keep your existing health plan and took the White House to task for the disastrous health care website. And Joe Garcia fought to hold the insurance companies accountable so they can’t deny coverage for preexisting conditions, or drop coverage when you get sick. Attack ads can’t change the truth. Joe Garcia is doing what’s right for Florida.
What attack ad has House Majority PAC so indignant over the “disastrous health care website?” It must be this one, funded by the Koch-affiliated LIBRE Initiative:
Pretty respectable for an “attack” ad. Christie says Garcia supports Obamacare and asks why; that’s about it.
So does he? Well, he did. He kind of does, still. He’s mad at Obama like a Republican, but he wants to fix the Affordable Care Act like a Democrat. It’s interesting that no Democrat is running on a pro-Obamacare platform this year — despite Nancy Pelosi’s delusional promises. Rather, most are trying, like Garcia, to change the message.
Credit Garcia for seeing this day coming earlier than most of his Democratic colleagues.
Garcia came to Congress in 2013 as the first elected representative of the newly created 26thDistrict, and he  is already fighting to hang on for a second term. He validated his enthusiasm for Obamacare almost immediately after being sworn into office by joining Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the rest of Florida’s Democratic delegation for a guilt-trip letter to Republican Governor Rick Scott, whom they accused of abandoning his “expressed support of Medicaid expansion under the federal Affordable Care Act.”
That was February of last year — one month into his first term. By summertime, Garcia had wet his finger and put it to the wind — and he had begun to feel a breeze. In July, he was ready to side with the House GOP in a vote to delay Obamacare’s individual mandate. In November, he again sided with House Republicans in a vote to allow people to keep buying the insurance plans Obama falsely promised people they could keep.
No doubt Garcia was building an Obamacare track record in anticipation of the day he’d have to run TV ads to protect his incumbency.
At least he can take comfort in the fact that Democratic PACs aren’t having any qualms, this year, about shelling out money for TV ads that attack Obamacare.

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