Wednesday, February 26, 2014

ObamaCrapCare Being Paid For By Seniors--The Very Ones Who Built This Country. That's Quite Of A Thank You!

Fla. Gov. Scott: Obama Raiding Medicare to Fund ACA

Tuesday, 25 Feb 2014 08:13 PM
By Greg Richter
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Citing proposed cuts in Medicare Advantage plans, Florida Gov. Rick Scott says the Obama administration is raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare.

Scott was in Washington over the weekend for a National Governors Association meeting and met with President Barack Obama. In a press release Monday, Scott said he had asked Obama "to fix Obamacare immediately."

"We learned last week that Medicare is being raided to pay for Obamacare, which is hurting our seniors, who could lose access to the doctors they liked and were told they could keep," Scott said. "We need to give our seniors a voice and ask the president directly to not pay for Obamacare by raiding Medicare. He has stopped and delayed other broken parts of the healthcare law. He should do the same with this," the release said.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "Your World With Neil Cavuto," the Republican governor said he's seen 300,000 Floridians lose health plans they were promised they could keep, and now senior citizens, a significant part of the state's population, are telling him they can't find a doctor who accepts Medicare.

"It's totally different from what our citizens were promised," Scott said.

Cavuto noted that several of Scott's fellow governors said during the weekend conference that Obamacare isn't going to be repealed, so it is up to them to find ways to make it work.

"Well, it should happen," Scott replied. "This president's not going to do it, but somebody's got to fix this."

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