Friday, February 14, 2014

ObamaCrapCare Penalties And Unintended Outcomes

Obamacare Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction

February 14, 2014 by  
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Obamacare Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction

Not only is Obamacare a deathcare trap that limits medical choices and forces Americans into a system of sickness care rather than healthcare, but Obamacare is a jobs killer.
Organizations, think tanks and business owners themselves have said the law is a drag on the economy and that it has caused businesses to cut employee hours and jobs. President Barack Obama and his spokespuppets deny this is so, even as the undocumented usurper currently occupying the people’s house rewrites the law in ways that affirm it. Now the regime has announced that under penalty of perjury, business owners will be required to attest on their tax forms that they are not shedding employees in order to skirt the law.
Under Obamacare, businesses employing 50 or more full-time workers must provide healthcare insurance or pay a penalty. For many businesses it makes better financial sense to shed employees rather than provide health insurance.
The tax attestation puts business owners in a catch-22. If they truthfully proclaim that they indeed cut employees to avoid the mandate while the regime claims that they did not, business owners could be charged with perjury. They could also set themselves up for liability under some as yet undisclosed, undiscovered or uninvented discrimination violation.
If businesses shed employees to avoid the mandate but attest they did not, they would be committing perjury and could be charged accordingly.
The regime is using Obamacare as a weapon of mass destruction on small businesses and has made it a crime to operate a business in a fiscally sound manner.

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