Thursday, February 13, 2014

We Disagree With Rush, Unfortunately Republicans Haven't Been Able To Get It Together To Win.

Limbaugh Predicts Republican 'Wave' in Midterm Elections

Thursday, 13 Feb 2014 06:31 AM
By Cathy Burke
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Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday predicted frustrated voters will create "a wave election like 2010" in this year's midterms, kicking out Democrats "every chance they get."

On his daily radio show, Limbaugh pointed to "plenty of evidence" for the potential sweep, citing the retirement announcement last month of California liberal icon Rep. Henry Waxman and several other Democrats.

"They're in the swan's song portion of their lives anyway," Limbaugh said. "Waxman, he doesn't want to be a member of a minority in the House of Representatives, where basically all they're doing is writing executive orders for [President Barack] Obama . . . These people don't want to be in the minority. It's no fun."

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here," Limbaugh declared. "I fully expect the 2014 midterms to be a wave election like 2010. I think the people of this country are gonna sweep Democrats out of office every chance they get, every opportunity they get."

The sweep will be fueled by voters fed up with steamroller tactics by the White House and the legislative and judicial branches.

"I think this is setting up every bit as big as 2010, if not bigger," he said. "The tea party, the American people are livid by what's going on . . . They can't believe the people whose power is being stolen are not standing up and trying to get it back."

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