Friday, February 21, 2014

Why Are We Not Hearing About This Travesty Or Is It Not PC? Will The Trend Get Worse? We Think So.

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(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
It just won’t stop, this black on white crime. Not even during Black History Month.
This time in Baton Rouge: Another old white dude is dead. His name is John Bannon. The 53-year sports fan moved to Baton Rouge from his native Indiana so he could be close to his beloved LSU Tigers football team.
And his Harley too: He kept it in his living room because he did not have a garage. Can’t do much Harley-riding in Indiana in the winter.
It was 9:30 on a Friday night in early February. Bannon was a few blocks from his home when witnesses say he encountered 19-year-old Windall Lavel Herring and a 15-year-old accomplice. They punched him in the face. His head hit the ground. He lingered for a few weeks, then died.
The Advocate in Baton Rouge says the two teens attacked Bannon in an attempted robbery, or to see who could hit harder or possibly for another reason, police spokesman Cpl. L’Jean McKneely said.
Like lots of other victims of black on white crime, Bannon had a family. And yes, they are trying to figure out why their grandfather, father, brother, uncle and friend is dead.
This is hardly the first black on white violent attack in Baton Rouge. Last May, a black mob attacked a white family who had stopped for gas at a convenience store near a freeway.
The police report describes how one of the attackers “approached the white male victim. The defendant told him he was in the wrong neighborhood and he was not going to make it out.” The victim said that’s when he “was punched and knocked to the ground.”
His wife got out of the car and ran to help her husband. “He continued to struggle with the defendant and was eventually knocked unconscious.” His wife told police, “after running to help her husband, she remembers falling to the ground and (being) knocked unconscious.”
Then the attackers beat the couple’s teenage daughter. The man suffered a broken eye socket, a broken nose and several cuts on the face.
February has been a busy month for black on white violence around the country. Some fatal. A smattering of violence from the last month:
A few days before the attack on Bannon, a group of black people attacked, stabbed and robbed an 86-year-old veteran at his home in Chickasaw, Ala. Like Bannon, he lingered for a few days, then died. Three black people with long criminal histories have been charged in connection with the attack.
In Stamford, Conn., a black mob attacked a school administrator and left him with a broken neck and other injuries. In Detroit, a father and son and one other person were tortured and killed and robbed. Then set on fire. Four black people have been arrested.
In Philadelphia, police released a video of five black people who stabbed and robbed a convenience store owner: He lived. This is just one of several robberies of convenience stores caught on video in the Philadelphia area in the same week.
In Minneapolis, 69-year-old Thomas Sonnenberg thought he was helping a black man and his girl friend escape from people who were trying to hurt him. They shot him instead. He died.
In New Orleans, a group of black people ambushed a bike rider and hit him in the face with an aluminum bat. They fractured his skull. This was the second such attack that evening in that area. The first victim suffered a shattered jaw and missing teeth. They lived.
In St. Petersburg, three bicyclists were attacked over a one week period on a popular bike trail. They lived. All the suspects are black.
In a suburb of Indianapolis, police are looking for “four black males who got out of a white SUV and started knocking on windows and doors, trying to get inside” a car belonging to Kyle Jobin. They shot him dead.
In Johnson City, Tenn., witnesses say a group of black people attacked Matthew Brookshire and left him unconscious and bleeding. He lived, but he is in critical condition.
In St. Cloud, Minn., Jesse Smithers received a 10-year sentence after pleading guilty in the killing of Colton Gleason. Smithers was part of a group of six black people who stopped a car, got out and attacked Gleason. Smithers will be eligible for release in five years. Lots of Gleason’s friends still cannot get over it and they remember him on a Facebook page.
In Brooklyn, the site of widespread attention for the dozens of examples of black mob violence directed against Orthodox Jews – many documented in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It” – the latest case of the Knockout Game received scant notice outside of the Jewish press. But the Israel National News covered it:
“A young yeshiva student was attacked as he was on his way home. He was attacked just a few feet from the entrance to his home. He struck the Jewish man several times on his head, without saying a word, the student said later. Eventually the student lost consciousness and fell down on the sidewalk. He regained consciousness to find himself lying face down on the cold sidewalk. Amazingly, his attacker was still there.”
In Macon, Ga., 30 black people assaulted five white people, including a mother and infant. They lived. One of the TV news stations called it “a fight.” One of the locals said race had nothing to do with it: “People get jumped everyday,” said Jon’Shea JS Jenkins on his Facebook page. “The fact that there (sic) white means nothing.”
In Baltimore, two black people are under arrest for killing Kimberly Leto with a knife during a burglary. One of the suspects was charged with the burglary six months before in the same house. Just a few days before Leto’s death, an editor for the Baltimore Sun was assaulted in the same neighborhood. His skull is fractured. Ten teeth missing. One black man arrested. John Fogg will live. Probably.
In Cleveland, a black mob attacked a disabled army veteran. They first saw him on a bus, then followed him when left it. They kicked him, punched him, and knocked him down – all the while saying “Knock that boy out! White boy. Cracker. Knock that white boy out.” He lived.
The Hudson Reporter published an account of a a white man in Hoboken who was “struck once on the left side of his face by a man he could only describe as African-American and 5 feet 10 inches tall, said the police report. Another man was with the alleged perpetrator. The victim fell to the ground, and apparently asked his attacker why he had assaulted him, to which the assailant only said, ‘What are you going to do about it?’” He lived.
In Waynesboro, Va., five black people and one white woman have been charged with abducting and killing police captain Kevin Quick.
In Chicago, three black people tried to rob an off duty police officer. The video shows them approaching the cop and pulling a gun as he pumped gas. He turned over his wallet with one hand, and with the other, pulled his gun and shot the assailant in the face. He died.
This does not count other, large-scale episodes of black mob violence in Tampa, Rochester, Indianapolis, Troy (New York), Kansas City and Austin. Plus more assaults in Philadelphia, New Orleans and Los Gatos.
Meanwhile, at Black History Forums around the country, many spoke of the recent conviction of the white man Michael Dunn in the killing of black teenager Jordan Davis for playing his music too loudly.
The liberal stalwart Salon website summed the anger at white violence towards black people: “Michael Dunn and open season on black teenagers: The onslaught of white murder.”
This is not a complete list of racial violence during Black History Month. We still have a week to go.
See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:


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