Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Don't Believe The Press And Democrats, Republicans Are In Trouble!

Here Come The Blame-Obama Democrats

March 12, 2014 by  
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Democrats have begun to sweat the 2014 midterm elections because of the Obamacare disaster—especially on the heels of Republican David Jolly’s defeat of Democrat Alex Sink in a special election for Florida’s 13th District Tuesday night. On Wednesday, Democratic West Virginia Congressman Nick Rahall gave us a taste of what Americans can probably expect to hear a great deal of from Democrats in the coming months.
“I probably have supported George Bush more than I have Barack Obama,” Rahall said.
Rahall, first elected in 1976, faces the tough situation that many vulnerable Democrats share: He’s seeking reelection in a State where President Barack Obama’s already present unpopularity has been greatly amplified by the Administration’s policies since the 2012 election. Democrats who aggressively went to stump for the President are the biggest GOP targets.
In an ironic 2014 twist, Rahall has taken a blame-Obama stance to explain away the challenges he faces, as opposed to the blame-Bush shtick that Democrats have used for so many years.
“There’s no question my critics try to blame Obama-Rahall for everything,” Rahall told The Hill. “I mean, the snow blitz that’s coming tonight is probably Obama-Rahall’s fault. And they won’t have that to do two years from now, so it’s obvious they’re leaving no stone unturned to defeat me this time. Because it’s the last time they’ll have Obama around! It’s that simple.”

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