Friday, March 21, 2014

Michigan Has Second Most Snow Since 1881 And This Is An Indication Of Global Warming? Phooey!

Climate Science Abandons Science

March 21, 2014 by  
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Climate Science Abandons Science

The American Association for the Advancement of Science must be getting desperate. More people are growing wise to the lies, doctored data and climate model subterfuge of the anthropogenic global warming crowd. Their lies are disintegrating in harsh winter temperatures and because of the fact that actual temperatures show that the Earth is not getting warmer and that it has not in almost 20 years.
Last week, AAAS issued a new report, stating: “The rate of climate change may now be as fast as any extended warming period over the past 65 million years, and it is projected to accelerate in the coming decades.”
The scientists predicted, according to The Guardian: “An 8F rise — among the most likely scenarios could make once rare extreme weather events — 100-year floods, droughts and heat waves — almost annual occurrences.
“Other sudden systemic changes could lie ahead — such as large scale collapse of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, collapse of part of the Gulf Stream, loss of the Amazon rain forest, die-off of coral reefs, and mass extinctions,” the scientists claim.
The AAAS report presaged the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, which is scheduled in coming days, because the AAAS was concerned Americans failed to appreciate the “gravity of climate change.”
“Despite ‘overwhelming evidence’, the AAAS said Americans had failed to appreciate the seriousness of the risks posed by climate change, and had yet to mobilise at a pace and scale needed to avoid a climate catastrophe,” The Guardian reported.
So now no warming is overwhelming evidence of warming? And 100 years of accurate measurements are now predictive of 65 million years?
The AAAS has given up any pretense of science. It should change its name to the American Association for the Advancement of Lies.

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