Monday, March 31, 2014

More Left Lies About ObamaCrapCare

Anyone who wonders how the 2014 elections will be fought, better look at the following example.

In this article, supposed lies are debunked(??), truth (??) is told and Obama is held out to be the example of how things should be. Heck, by November 2014, we expect the Democrats and their cohorts (in the media) will have us convinced that Obama should continue to be President for another 20 years! We also expect the President to have approval ratings in the 50+ range.

This aforementioned article is only an example of the press rebuilding the tragedy that is ObamaCrapCare and it will not be the only one! The press should be ashamed for its lack of interest in rooting out the facts, they would rather take the Democratic talking points and writing their articles.

So anyone who thinks that the 2014 election will be pivotal and will turn the Senate and House over to the Republicans will be severely disappointed. In fact, in our crystal ball, it looks like the House may be in play and the Senate will stay firmly in the Democratic hands. How would you like to see the House, Senate and President all from the same party with two years to do their damage. Hey, Nancy Pilosi would be the Speaker again. Doesn't that make you happy? If the Dems win, American is FINISHED.

Conservative Tom

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