Monday, March 17, 2014

This Is One Way To Get Enrollees In ObamaCrapCare

Wasn't it Jeh Johnson who Eddie Murphy played  in the Distinguished Gentleman? Now he is playing Homeland Security Chief who is cooperating with the government to give illegal immigrants Obamacrapcare.  Isn't this government great?

Not only do we give illegal immigrants the health insurance for which we are paying and now we learn that out of the "45 million without health insurance" current data shows around one million of the 4-5 million enrolled did not have insurance previously. In other words we turned the health insurance industry on its head to enroll one million!  Nuts

Which brings up a question, are all the 1 million illegal immigrants?  Probably so!!

Conservative Tom

Puede Calificar Y Recibir Obamacare TOTALMENTE GRATIS

March 17, 2014 by 
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Early this month, healthcare officials in Oregon got in hot water when it was revealed that the State had “accidentally” moved 4,000 illegal aliens from a low-income Medicaid program to the Obamacare exchange.
As columnist Michelle Malkin explained in a piece about the Obamacare illegals, bureaucrats claimed that the enrollments were just the result of a great big clerical error.
The Oregonian newspaper’s Nick Budnick reported that the health bureaucrats “discovered the problem several weeks ago and are correcting it.” Get in line. The beleaguered Cover Oregon health insurance exchange has been riddled with ongoing problems, errors, and glitches since last October that have yet to be fixed.
Take note: This wasn’t a one-time computer meltdown. Because Oregon’s health insurance exchange website has been offline and its software architects under investigation for possible fraud, the Oregon Obamacare drones have been processing each and every application manually. That means nearly 4,000 illegal-alien applications with “inaccurate” data somehow passed through government hands and somehow ended up getting routed through as new enrollees with Obamacare-approved full-service health care.
And courting conservative outrage stemming from the incident, an Oregon-based Obamacare official explained the 4000 enrollments away, saying, “We were just getting people into the services.”
At around the same time, the Obama Administration was working to let legal-immigrant family members of illegal aliens know that enrolling in Obamacare will not increase the chances of their loved ones’ deportations.
“I have heard that some Americans who are eligible to enroll in the Marketplace are reluctant to do so because they fear that the information they provide on their health coverage applications will be shared with immigration authorities and used to deport their undocumented family members,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson wrote in a February editorial. “This is not true.”
Read more on that here, from Personal Liberty’s Ben Bullard.
The White House’s official line on Obamacare for undocumented immigrants is this: An illegal alien who has at least one U.S.-born child can sign the child (up to the age of 26?) up for Obamacare with no fear of a call from immigration authorities.
The White House can say whatever it wants about its goals and regulations for illegal immigrants with regard to Obamacare. But should Americans realistically expect an Administration that had to be urged to leave illegals out of Obamacare in the first place to make a real effort to prevent enrollment numbers from being boosted by folks lacking Social Security numbers?
Journalist Matt Drudge, of Drudge Report fame, tweeted a photo from Miami today that could explain why there may be some confusion about Obamacare in communities with high numbers of undocumented immigrants:

Notice the lack of the disclaimer included on just about everything you’ve ever heard being given away for free in a skeezy radio contest or otherwise: Must be a legal U.S. resident…
Whether Obamacare supporters will admit it or not, the issue here has nothing to do about race. It’s about government and its total ineptitude.

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