Thursday, March 20, 2014

We Are Starting To Hear The Truth About ObamaCrapCare And The Liberals Are In Attack Mode.

Obamacare’s Real Victims

March 20, 2014 by  
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So far, 2014 has been a roller coaster for Larry Basich of Las Vegas. The poor guy kicked off the year with a New Year’s Eve heart attack. Fortunately for Basich, not only did he survive his encounter with the reaper, he’d purchased a sparkling new insurance policy through the technological paradise of Obamacare’s exchange. Unfortunately, Basich’s Presidentially guaranteed coverage appears to have disappeared into one of the memory holes that have plagued so many people since the rollout of President Barack Obama’s legacy-defining legislative monstrosity.
In fact, despite the fact that Basich bought a plan through the State’s Nevada Health Link exchange in mid-November (after weeks of trying), he doesn’t seem to have a plan to show for it. Despite making monthly payments since he signed up, he doesn’t appear to have gotten much for his money. As of right now, Basich is facing medical bills in excess of $400,000; and the plan he found through Obamacare is lost in the Internet fog. He started with a coronary, and then found out his “silver” level Obamacare plan was actually cheap tin.
And then the real shocker arrived. According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Basich’sown Senator from the Silver State), Basich doesn’t exist. Three weeks ago, Reid took to the Senate floor to declare: “[T]here’s plenty of (Obamacare) horror stories being told. All of them are untrue…”
By Reid’s reckoning, Basich hasn’t been ripped off by a system whose creator swore unequivocally would work without a flaw because there is no Basich. Of course, Reid’s logic doesn’t explain how a figment of someone else’s imagination managed to hack his way through Obamacare’s byzantine jungle of glitches and misinformation, enroll in a specific plan and even make scheduled payments for that plan; but Reid and logic seldom collide in the same sentence.
Despite the wringer through which Obamacare has run him, Basich is enjoying a joyously fresh start compared to Julie Boonstra. She began her year under a dark enough cloud, considering she’s fighting leukemia. But cancer isn’t the only villain that stalked her into the New Year. Because she courageously told the truth about her own personal Obamacare horror story, she has also turned up the in cross hairs of the Democratic Party. While the liberal media attack dogs, including The Washington Post, Mother Jones and others have subjected her to withering fire, Michigan Senatorial candidate Gary Peters has gone so far as to threaten the media outlets that dare to tell her harrowing tale. By choosing not to simply crawl away and die quietly while Obama and his liberal accomplices — most of whom are conveniently exempt from Obamacare — continued to push their multitrillion-dollar fraud, Boonstra has become a target for the shock troops deployed by the left against anyone who dares question their criminal enterprise.
Viewed from a human perspective, Boonstra’s fate is a preventable tragedy engineered by the Orwellian overlords of Obamacare. Viewed from a liberal perspective, Boonstra’s fate is her just deserts for disloyalty to the Democrat cause. For Boonstra and so many others like her, 2014 is the year she learned that the President of the United States prefers cancer to cancer patients.
These are two tragic stories out of millions the lapdog media won’t tell about a fraud the Democrats deny and about which the President lies. Unlike the bogus enrollment figures that the media keep breathlessly reporting on their liberal masters’ behalf, Basich and Boonstra are real people. Moreover, unlike the bogus enrollees being touted by Obamacare’s pushers, they’re real victims.

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