Thursday, March 27, 2014

What Event Would Make You Riot? A Request For Your Assistance To Understand What Would Make Americans Take To The Streets. Can You Help Us?

The events in the Ukraine, Syria, Egypt and other spots around the world point to the fact that at a certain point, even average people, have enough of their government and resort to riots and other civil disturbances to resolve their issues.  What would it take for Americans to do the same?

To help us understand, we have created a list of events that might cause Americans to riot plus one open slot to make your own suggestion. (Please check off as many of these hypothetical events that would drive you to the street.  In the comment section, let us know which one would be the one that would be the one that would put you over the top.)

Would you riot if::

     _____  Your  401(k), IRA, 401(k), Simple Plan, Retirement Plan was taken away from you and moved to Social Security?

     _____ Your guns were confiscated--not registration but forceful taking of your weapons?

     _____ Your Constitutional Rights Were Eliminated--Outlawing Meetings, Police Entering Houses without a warrant, closing churches and synagogues, your right to express opinions against the President?

     _____  President Obama Continued on as President after January 2017?

    _____  President Obama was allowed to run for President in 2016?

     _____ Part of the money in bank accounts across the country was seized by the government-Cyprus-like taking of your money our of your account?

     _____ The US joins BDS movement against Israel--Effectively Isolating Israel?

      _____ The government started to re-locate Terrorists To Camps Within The US?

    ______ The government started giving Terrorists Trial By Jury In The US?

    ______ The government gave the internet to the UN?

    ______ The government instituted martial law?

    ______ The government cut off government benefits (welfare, Social Security, food assistance) to you?

    ______ The government cut off all immigration into the US?

    ______ The government required all citizens under 25 to give two years of service between High School and College?

   ______ The government raised taxes on all earned income to 50% starting with dollar one?

    ______ The government cut taxes on businesses to zero?

    ______ The government shut down the Internet?

    ______ The government outlawed Christianity? Judaism? Islam?

    ______ The government shutdown all Conservative talk shows?

    ______ The government required all radio and television stations/networks to present the liberal and conservative point within each news show? Immediate equal time.

    ______ Require each citizen to contribute 5% of their income to charity?

     _____ I would riot if:

If you would please comment and sent your comments to Conservative Tom at

We will post the results  on April 12, 2014
Thanks for your input.

Conservative Tom

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