Monday, March 31, 2014

When The News Is Bad, Deny The News. So It Goes For ObamaCrapCare

Obamacare Is So Rotten That HHS Secretary Sebelius Is Speechless

March 31, 2014 by  
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Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, like her boss at the White House and several Democratic lawmakers, is seemingly living in an alternate reality where Obamacare is wildly successful.
During a Monday interview with HuffPost Live, the HHS Secretary lauded the Obama Administration’s unconventional strategies to encourage Obamacare enrollment, namely the President’s appearance on comedian Zach Galifianakis’ web show “Between Two Ferns.”
Sebelius said that the Administration noticed a definite “Galifianakis bump” in enrollment numbers.
“The website traffic surged once the ‘Between Two Ferns’ interview went on,” she said. “But more importantly, what we’re trying to do is reach people in the language that they most understand. Certainly Zach reaches a certain audience.”
“As a mother of two 30-something sons, I know they’re more likely to get their information on ‘Funny or Die’ than they are on network TV,” Sebelius continued.
In a separate interview with a local Oklahoma television reporter Sebelius was asked for an estimate of how many of the people who have reportedly signed up for Obamacare have actually paid.
The White House claims that there have been upwards of 6 million Obamacare enrollments to date— but officials won’t provide hard figures on the number of enrollees who have actually paid for the coverage, which is required before a person is officially enrolled.
“What we know from insurance companies … tell(s) us that, for their initial customers, it’s somewhere between 80, 85, some say as high as 90 percent, have paid so far,” she said onKWTV-TV. “Lots of companies have different timetables for when their new customers have to send their first payment.”
The reporter then offered Sebelius some Obamacare numbers related to people in his State, “At last check, 64 percent of Oklahomans aren’t buying into the healthcare plan; they don’t like ObamaCare, and they’ve been pretty vocal about it.
“Now that’s going to be … a tough sell, but we’ll see how that plays out over the coming months,” he continued.
To that, Sebelius just stared awkwardly into the camera for so long that the reporter assumed that the sound connection had been lost.
“I can hear you,” Sebelius said finally. “But I — thanks for having me.”
Sebelius was one of many Administration officials blanketing airwaves on Monday in an attempt to encourage Obamacare enrollment, especially in regions with high uninsured populations, before the midnight enrollment (non)deadline.
Unfortunately for the Obama Administration, no amount of talking up Obamacare during media appearances throughout the Nation could keep enrollment numbers from being stifled. The Obamacare website crashed for six hours Monday morning and then shuffled many people attempting to enroll into a “virtual waiting room.” The site suffered various glitches at points throughout the day.

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