Saturday, March 15, 2014

Who Is Left To Support Obama? Only The Hard Core Who Would Vote For Him If He Was In Jail, Dead Or In A Coma!

White Voters Abandon Obama In Droves

March 13, 2014 by  
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Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Have you seen Barack Obama’s poll numbers? They are among the lowest in history. As of last week, Obama’s approval rating is at 38 percent. That’s just barely above Richard Nixon. But that’s not the big story here.
Keep in mind that Obama has the support of about 35 percent to 40 percent of the population that will never abandon him — no matter what he does, no matter how bad the jobs numbers look, no matter how low the economy goes, no matter how much scandal and corruption are exposed, no matter how strong the facts are against him. Nothing will ever change their minds. These are the “low-information voters” of the Democratic Party.
In many cases, they love Obama because of the color of his skin — and nothing else. They will never abandon a black President — even though black unemployment is at record levels; even though black youth unemployment is at record levels; even though black poverty is at record levels; even though Obama’s exact policies have been in place for more than 50 years in Detroit (a majority black city run by black Democrat politicians) and the black population has been devastated, destroyed and discarded, left for dead in an abandoned, bankrupt city with very few streetlights operating and the police leaving residents in many areas to fend for themselves.
So just think about those poll numbers for a moment. Let those numbers sink in. If 35 percent to 40 percent of the population would support a Democrat for President if he ran from a prison cell, if 35 percent to 40 percent would support Obama no matter what he does, no matter how far America sinks under his leadership (even if they have no jobs and their own lives are in total misery), how could Obama’s approval rating be at only 38 percent?
That means that among the rest of America, outside of loyal, lifelong, Kool-Aid-drinking Democrats, Obama’s ratings are nil. Among voters who don’t identify as Democrat, he is the lowest-rated President in history. No numbers like this have ever been recorded, if you filter out the Kool-Aid-drinking low-information and partisan voters.
Obama’s approval among the heartland of America (middle-class Americans) is lower than Nixon’s, lower than George W. Bush’s, lower than Lyndon Johnson’s at the height of the Vietnam War, lower than Jimmy Carter’s at the height of the Iranian hostage crisis with the added burden of an economy in misery and malaise.
I’m betting that outside of lifelong Democrats and welfare recipients (I know; I repeat myself), Obama’s ratings are in the unimaginable range of single digits.
I’m betting that outside of food stamp recipients, Obama’s ratings are in the single digits.
Among the white middle class, I’m betting Obama’s ratings are in the single digits… or lower.
Keep in mind many of the white middle class originally voted for Obama. He could not have been elected without white support.
Among those who actually own small businesses, pay most of the taxes and create most of the jobs, I’m betting Obama’s ratings are in the vicinity of zero.
Actually, if you take the white middle class and subtract out a few Ivy League intellectuals, Hollywood liberals and pathetic Upper West Side of Manhattan Democratic zombies, there are few Obama supporters left to be found anywhere in America.
Remember that about 47 percent of Americans get entitlement checks from government. Obama is paying for their support and he still has only 38 percent approval. You know you’re unpopular when even bribes don’t work anymore!
This man has managed to pull off something remarkable and historical: He has alienated almost every single American who actually works for a living and pays taxes, outside of Chicago, Manhattan, Hollywood and Detroit. He has virtually zero support among the 53 percent who aren’t getting a check from government. You can’t find another instance of that in the history of American politics.
Obama is amazing!
Now… one last bit of housekeeping. I do want to answer my critics whose only response will be: “All of these white voters who don’t support Obama are racists. It’s all about race.”
First of all, the very definition of racism is voting for a black candidate because… he’s black.That’s racism. The fact that 92 percent of black voters voted for Obama and 96 percent of black women voted for Obama is nothing but voting based on race.
As far as white voters abandoning Obama in droves, I’ve yet to meet one white voter who bases it on the color of Obama’s skin. We all base it on the color of his policies. The color of his policies is red — as in communist red. We hate his policies, not the man and not the color of his skin.
We hate the record-setting $12 trillion in debt he’ll have piled up by the time his second term is finished, because Obama has ruined the future of America with that debt. And he’s ruined our children’s future quality of life with that debt. We hate Obama’s big tax increases for the middle class and small business, and the fact that those tax increases haven’t helped the economy or created new jobs because the money was handed to Obama’s voters and donors — for more entitlements, more welfare, more food stamps, bailouts, stimulus and wasted failing green energy “investments.”
We hate the fact that Obama has killed millions of jobs. We hate the fact that the economy is in ruins under his leadership, except for Wall Street. Of course, Wall Street goes up because Obama has directed the Fed to print trillions in fake dollars to make his biggest donors richer than they ever imagined.
We hate the fact that Obama ruined the finest healthcare system in the world, which about 80 percent of Americans were happy with in the first place. We hate the fact that he is a liar and fraud who promised “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it.” Now we either don’t have insurance, or our prices have been raised through the roof. He has damaged our lives beyond belief. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it. But the facts have everything to do with it.
Over the years, I hated the policies of George McGovern and Jimmy Carter. They were both white. So did that mean I hated whites? Today, I hate the policies of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Does that mean I hate Italians and Mormons? I hate the policies of Hillary Clinton. Does that mean I hate women? I hate the policies of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Senator Chuck Schumer. Does that mean I hate Jews? Well guess what? I’m Jewish. There goes that argument.
And I hate the policies of Joe Biden. Does that mean I hate idiots? I’m just kidding… kind of.
The point is in every case, it’s the politics and policies that we hate — not the person or the race. So the argument is just plain misleading, fraudulent and stupid.
It all comes down to common sense. White, middle-class Americans are suffering because of the policies of an incompetent, fraudulent, lying Marxist. And we’re not in delusion and denial, simply because we’re not blinded by the color of his skin. The fact is we don’t care about the color of his skin. So we can see the plain truth.
That’s why Obama’s poll numbers are amazing. That’s why among Americans who arenot Kool-Aid drinkers blinded by the color of his skin, Obama’s poll numbers are the lowest in history.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America.

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