Thursday, April 24, 2014

Different Day, Same Results--Rockets Into Israel. The Truth Behind The Mideast Peace Talks. When Is The Western World Going To Get The Message That The Palestinian Leadership Does NOT Want Peace!

Terrorists Greet Hamas-Fatah Unity with Rocket Attacks on Israel

The last one out of the Peace Talks Cemetery is requested to please lock the gate and throw the key away.
Hamas terrorists prepare their version of peace.
Hamas terrorists prepare their version of peace.
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Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza attacked southern Israel with two rockets Wednesday evening, just about at the same time that the U.S. State Dept. woke up out of a stupor and managed to say it was “disappointed” in the unity announcement by Hamas and Fatah earlier in the day.
The missiles exploded in open areas near the Gaza security fence and in the Sha’ar HaNegev area, which includes the town of Sderot and surrounding farming moshaviim and kibbutzim. No injuries nor property damage was reported.
Earlier in the day, the IDF pre-empted a planned terrorist attack uncovered by the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and carried out an aerial attack on a terrorist, missing the target who reportedly was riding a motorcycle in northern Gaza.. Several Arabs were wounded.
The rocket attacks, both those planned and the two carried out, sent a clear message, except to the international community that has long lost its senses of vision and hearing.
U.S. State Dept. spokeswoman t old reporters at the daily media briefing that the United States is “disappointed” at the unity pact announced by Hamas and Fatah, led by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
“The timing was troubling and we were certainly disappointed in the announcement,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at the daily news briefing.
“This could seriously complicate our efforts. Not just our efforts but the efforts of the parties to extend their negotiations.”
Repeat: “This could seriously complicate our efforts.”
Not really, because the Obama administration complicated “efforts” from the word “go” nine months ago. “Negotiations” have been non-existent because Abbas has left nothing to be negotiated.
He simply has agreed to do Israeli a big favor and give it nine months to turn over 104 terrorists, many of them lifers, in return for nine months in which Abbas does not go to the United Nations for unilateral declaration of the Palestinian Authority as an independent country.
Following the announcement of the Hamas-Fatah unity pact, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu cancelled planned talks with Palestinian Authority “negotiators” Wednesday.
As far as Abbas is concerned, the unity agreement does not mean that “talks” cannot continue. After all, what difference does it make that he has agreed to a unity pact with the rival terrorist group that openly states it wants to destroy Israel?
The joker is that Fatah, headed by Abbas, has broken agreement after agreement, most recently by saying it would go to the United Nations for recognition, but that seems to be okay with the Obama administration because, after all, it is Fatah and not Hamas.
Now that Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh have torn up the divorce papers and re-married, so to speak, Hamas is Fatah and Fatah is Hamas.
And U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is jilted.

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