Sunday, April 20, 2014

Evidence Starts Coming In That BLM Killed Bundy Animals

Proof the BLM Slaughtered Cattle on Bundy Ranch (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Even though federal agents for the Bureau of Land Management were only supposed to seize cattle from the Bundy Ranch, new photographic evidence reveals it got a lot worse than that.
tweet from Nevada Assembly member Michele Fiore shows the carcass of a prize bull slaughtered lying dead on the dusty ground of the Bundy Ranch with a fresh bullet wound in the back of its head.
Though the cattle were only meant to be corralled and penned up in an enclosure, it appears the Feds went far beyond their mandate.
The image below (warning, graphic image) shows in gruesome detail the path of destruction left after federal agents invaded Cliven Bundy’s land.

Both the Bundy family and assemblywoman Michele Fiore objected strongly to how the Feds handled the situation. Fiore said:
If you look at the stewardship of land, and herding of cattle, first of all these particular cattle that were grazing on 600,000 acres — understand that when the Bundy family would herd their own cattle, there would be water taps to where the cattle would go down to the water and herd them humbly and softly — no cruelty, no abuse, herding them to where the cattle could get injured.
We now have an evidenced-based argument with how the BLM cannot take care of that cattle. We have cows giving birth (in the federal pen) where baby calves have been stepped [on] and killed…
On top of the abuse leveled at American citizens who were standing up for the Bundy’s and their livestock, there is ample evidence that the atrocities didn’t stop there as reports of mass graves have been forthcoming in recent days.
All in all, the damage to property and livestock by the BLM and their agents was far worse that anticipated.
Two prize bulls were left dead and scores of others killed and abused.
Holes cut in water tanks and large sections of fence destroyed during the raid.
And all of this coming in direct violation of a court order that explicitly provided protection for Bundy Ranch property.
Though the actions of the BLM against the Bundy Ranch ceased on Saturday, the wake of destruction left by agents was extensive and could leave federal agents facing criminal charges.

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