Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Family Members Of Flight MH370 Have Questions For Malaysian Authorities. We Have Their List.

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The key of questions from family members

 (2014-04-16 17:44:40)
Emergency locator transmitter
As far as we know, MH370 has one fixed ELT and two portable ELT. All ElT has passed the latest maintains check (Malaysia airlines has promised to ask when they did the last check and what has been checked)
1. How many are there ELT on the plane? Including fixed and Portable.   We have heard Two versions. We Would like to Insure How many?
2. Did Malaysia Airline have regular maintains check for ELT? When was latest check for MH370 's ELT? What is the maintainous interval? And we need to see results of maintainous check. If not possible to see the result during the investigation. We would like to know what has been checked.
3. How your 406 MHz is certified. Your licences?
4. Is it possible to break the ELT at high impact? Where is the 406 MHz ELT exactly located on MH370? (Tail of the flight or on the celling of business class)
5. Is the ELT Protected in the compartment within the Fuselage?  Surrounding by Metal? the Signal will  be weaken if the Metal shield_
6.  Is the antenna cable and Blade 9G certified?  How much impact is need to active ELT?  Does the ELT active in Accident and Asiana Air France 447?
7.  Are 121.5 MHz 243 MHz useless when Aircraft Crash in Water?
8.  The manufacturer of the ELT, the Signal of 406 MHz supposed to be detected by satellite.
9.  Is the 406 MHz is a separate service beside the 121.5 and 243 MHz?
10.If the crew has been trained on how to use ELT?
11. Can ELT unlock and bounce to the surface of water?
12.When plane is trying to land on the sea, can ELT can be activated?
Black box
1.  The serials Number of the black Box on MH370. Manufacturer?
2.  What Kind of Characteristic Signal Box does MH370's black Pinger send? Is it a pulse, with a peak at 37.5 kHz? The width, the shape of the pulse?
3.  What is the Sample that Boeing has sent to Australia to Compare with the detected Pinger? Was it from a normal black or Box Signal Box on the specific black Boeing 777, or even the exact black Box Mount on MH370?
4.  How many can the Flight Data Recorder Items Provide? 25, 57 or 88?
5.  How Long the Cockpit Voice Recorder time can Provide? When did Malaysia Airline ProLong 2 hours start to record?
6. Can the detected frequency 33.3kHz can illustrate the coverage environment of the black box? Can the location of the black box also te illustrated?
7.Can the investigation team make an experiment on checking the 33.3kHz is caused by the weaken battery? And how long can 33.3 kHz can be detected under the weaken power situation?
1.  Protocol What does do when ICAO Flight Missing.  What did do when MH370 Malaysia Airline Missing. Organization What are Malaysia in.
2.  We want MH370's logbook
3.  We need Malaysia Civil Aviation Control MH370   Voice Record.
4.  Inmarsat in Malaysia   ,  NTSB  , Chief ENGINEER Zaharie  Personal  contact Phone Number. Directly  contact Information.
5.Have the searching and rescue team got final result from the searched areas? Are they ensure any impossibility on thosed closed area, if not why close all the other areas?
6. Can Malaysia Government specify the right of kins, especially the right to know the facts of a cases or the details of an incident?
7.We require the ATC audio.
The Committee of MH370 family

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