Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gentle Egyptian Muslims (??) Kill Coptic Christian Woman

Egyptian Islamists Murder Christian Woman — Because of Her Crucifix
In a shocking new attack on Christians in Egypt, a Muslim mob dragged a young Coptic Christian woman out of her car, beat her and stabbed her to death — reportedly because of a cross hanging from her rear-view mirror.
The attack occurred in the Cairo suburb of Ain Shams after mosque prayer services in late March, when Muslim Brotherhood supporters clashed with police.
An eyewitness said 25-year-old Mary Sameh George was attacked in her car near a church, where she planned to deliver medicine to an ailing elderly woman.
The Islamists climbed onto her car, collapsing the roof, then dragged her from the vehicle, beating and mauling her. She was stabbed multiple times, her throat was slit, and after she died the mob set her car on fire, CNS News reported.
The young woman's murder garnered little attention in the Egyptian press. One report quoted an Interior Ministry spokesman as saying protesters had "stabbed a Christian woman to death," and blaming the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Australian Coptic Movement Association called the attack a "callous, vicious, and unprovoked" killing.
"Mary George was targeted for her faith in what is becoming an increasingly intolerable and inhospitable region for Christians, given that Ain Shams is a known stronghold for the Muslim Brotherhood," the organization said. "The Egyptian government must send a clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated and that the culprits will be held to account under the full force of the law."
Egypt's Coptic Christians, who comprise less than 10 percent of the population, suffered increased persecution when Mohammed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood came to power, CNS News observed.
In August 2013, after Morsi was ousted, supporters vented their rage on Coptics and there were widespread attacks on Coptic churches and institutions in Egypt by Muslims.

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