Monday, April 28, 2014

Global Warming Supporters Want More Government Control Of Individuals, Less Freedom All Based On What Very Possibly Are Faulty Models.

George Will: 'Global Warming is Socialism by the Back Door'

Monday, 28 Apr 2014 12:51 PM
By Courtney Coren
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Conservative columnist George Will says that global warming is just another way for liberals to get what liberals want — more government power.

"Global warming is socialism by the back door," Will told The Daily Caller. "I mean, the whole point of global warming is it is a rationalization for progressives to do what progressives want to do, which is concentrate more and more power in Washington, more and more Washington power in the executive branch, more and more executive branch power in independent czars and agencies, to micromanage the lives of the American people."

The reason he explains that global warming is such a good tool for liberals to give the government so much power is because "everything becomes involved in the exigencies of rescuing the planet."

But he also said there's another aspect of global warming that makes it so hard to refute because it is essentially a religion.

"It's a series of propositions that can't be refuted," Will explained. "It's very ironic that the global warming alarmists say that 'we're the real defenders of science' and then adopt the absolute reverse of the scientific attitude, which is openness to evidence — you cannot refute what they say."

He said it's no different than the apparent threat of "global cooling" in the 1970s.

"You say to them, 'What happened to global cooling?'" and they say their "models were wrong."

"And now we're supposed risk several trillions of dollars of global growth and spending on new models that might be wrong?"

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