Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Government Getting In Between Grandparents And Grandkids. Is There Any Place Government Will Not Go?

USDA: Stop Giving Your Grandchildren Sweets

April 1, 2014 by  
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture is telling the Nation’s grandparents to get on board with first lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move government-approved diets and start offering their grandkids “hugs” instead of sweet treats.
A USDA blog post titled “Grandparents Help Kids Develop Good Eating Habits” offers tips on how to use ChooseMyPlate.gov to pick the best food choices for children and offers a number of government-approved healthy activities.
“Offer snack foods that help meet their daily food group needs such as applesauce, baby carrots, string cheese, or 100% whole grain crackers. Reward them with your attention.  Hugs are much better than sweet treats,” the post says.
For a bedtime story, the government agency suggests a book designed to introduce youngsters to a book to teach the children about MyPlate called “The Two-Bite Club.”
The government-approved book is described thusly:
This educational storybook, available in English and in Spanish, was developed to introduce MyPlate to young children. Parents or caregivers read the book to children and encourage them to try foods from each food group by eating just two bites, just like the characters in the story. The back of the book contains a MyPlate coloring page, a blank certificate for the Two Bite Club, fun activity pages for kids, and Tips for Growing Healthy Eaters.
The USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion put together the materials and advice for America’s grandparents with the help of $8.7 million in funding in the fiscal 2013 budget.

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