Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Income Tax And Printing Money Go Together. Get Rid Of One And The Other Falls.

Income Tax Always Goes With Paper Money

April 30, 2014 by  
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Income Tax Always Goes With Paper Money

Income tax is a regulation system that controls consumption, redistributes wealth and it is a dossier system of government spying on the people. The U.S. tax code is tax evasion for the rich.
I very much doubt that one IRS agent employee in a million understands that Federal income taxes are not for income for the government.
In January 1946 in “American Affairs” Beardsley Ruml, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York stated before the American Bar Association that given control of a central banking system and an inconvertible currency, a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue. Anyone can Google Beardsley Ruml and get this information.
Even though income tax is not for income for the Federal government, it is a powerful regulation system under a socialist/fascist government. The states and cities have no such system so they do indeed use the income tax system for income revenue.
Many individuals through the years have tried to confront the illegality of the income tax system. The income tax system is absolutely necessary to impose a paper money system. They go together. It is so important that it is backed by the police power of the State.
Again, when individuals confront the illegality of the Federal income tax system, they are manipulated into spurious issues and if they persist, they go to jail.
The collapse of paper money will bring an end to Federal income tax and all the evil it has foisted upon the people.

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