Friday, April 4, 2014

Michelle Obama Misleads And Presents Lies As Truth To Children--When Will This Administration Learn To Tell The Truth?

FLOTUS Brainwashes The Children

April 4, 2014 by  
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On Wednesday, Michelle Obama, first lady of the United States (FLOTUS), planted her annual kitchen garden for spring. She was joined by 25 students from five local elementary schools and members of FoodCorps, a branch of AmeriCorps.
As she began her remarks, Obama proudly proclaimed that this year, the sixth year of her garden on the White House lawn, “… we’re doing [something] differently. We are going to plant something called a pollinator garden.”
“That’s great,” you say. After all, pollinators are in trouble; especially bees and monarch butterflies. And FLOTUS said as much. But it’s what she also said — and had the kids chanting — that’s the problem.
“So just for the folks at home who have not heard about a pollinator, but a pollinator garden helps to encourage the production of bees and monarch butterflies. And why do we need to do that?  You guys — just yell it out,” Obama said.
“Because they pollinate the plants,” said the students.
“They pollinate the plants, they help the plants grow,” Obama said. “But why do we need to help bees and butterflies — what’s happening to them? Yell it out. They’re dying because of disease — we don’t even know why some beehives are just totally disappearing… So we’re going to plant all kinds of flowers that attract bees and butterflies, which is not going to make the Obama girls happy because they don’t really like bees. But bees are good. Bees are a good thing. So you guys are going to help do that, and that’s the first time we’ve done a pollinator garden. Pretty cool, huh?”
Therein lies the problem, because what Obama said is a lie. And now the kids will repeat that lie and live with it.
We know what’s happening to the bees and the butterflies. They are not dying because of “disease.” They are being killed by neonicontinoids like clothianidin and thiamethoxam being used on plants to kill pests. The pesticides are absorbed by plants and transported throughout a plant’s vascular tissue, making the plant potentially toxic to insects. Neonicotinoids are chemically related to nicotine, the harmful ingredient in tobacco products.
Syngenta and Bayer are the leading manufacturers of the neonicotinoid variety of insecticides, and they claim there is no proof they are detrimental to bee health. But neonicotinoids are used on more than 100 million acres of corn, wheat, soy and cotton annually; and California beekeepers say their populations have been so decimated that many of the State’s almond growers won’t have enough bees to effectively pollinate their trees.
But it’s not just butterflies and bees that are affected. The American Bird Conservancy last year published a review of 200 studies on neonicotinoids that included industry research obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The study calls for the banning of the insecticide based on its toxicity to birds, aquatic invertebrates and other wildlife.
Bees are essential pollinators of plants used for food and — along with butterflies, bats, beetles and some small mammals — are key components of the food system. Bee populations in China have been so decimated by the use of insecticides that farmers employ people to pollinate their almond trees. Unless and until the use of neonicotinoids and genetically modified plants is stopped, Americans will be hand pollinating its plants as well.
And consciously or not, FLOTUS is perpetuating the acceptance of pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by brainwashing the children this way.

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