Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nevada And Texas Government Land Grabs Might Just Be The Beginning! Is It Part Of Agenda 21?

Thursday,April 24, 2014
Bundy Ranch: The Agenda 21
[Editor's Note: The following post is by TDV Editor-in-Chief, Jeff Berwick]
The United States government is NOT concerned about the desert tortoise. There is something much larger at stake...a much bigger reason to lead an armed insurrection against a family's property as we've seen at the Bundy Ranch. What's for sure is the Bundy Ranch showdown is not over.  Harry Reid assures us something big will happen:
“It’s obvious that you can’t just walk away from this. And we can speculate all we want to speculate to what’s going to happen next,” Reid told KSNV-TV. “But I don’t think it’s going to be tomorrow that something is going to happen, but something will happen. We are a nation of laws, not of men and women.”
"We are a nation of laws. not of men women." What in the world does that mean!? For the laws, by the laws...I guess.
As Los Angeles Times writes, "The U.S. can't let Cliven Bundy win his range war." Why not? 
Because control over land use in the United States is at stake; that is, the control of US territory by government and transnational corporations. It's called Agenda 21, and its implementation is in full-swing. The federal government already owns more than 40 percent of the land in nine different states. It will tell you Agenda 21 is for sustainability and smart growth - so that evil corporate persons don't destroy the planet - but, let's face it, the government is after what it is always after: to make a buck and gain control. 
The recently deceased researcher, author and expert on UN's Agenda 21, Henry Lamb, wrote an article in 2003 called "Why the Government is Grabbing Our Land." He writes:
"By 1976, the United Nations was ready to articulate a general policy on land use. This policy is stated in the final report of the first U.N. Conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT I), held in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1976."
The preamble to the section on Land states:
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable….”
Here is what the US will look like under Agenda 21:
Notice that there is basically no space reserved for humans! The light blue is "Normal Use" zones.  That's where you go. I've probably driven more of the US than most US citizens. Let me tell you something - there is a lot of space in the US! Especially in the west...
But so it goes. An end to private property in the US. The US federal government already owns half the land in the west. The federal government's control of so much land has led states to ask (ever so politely) for some of it back. In 2012 Utah passed a law asking the federal government to give up about 20 million acres of public lands, comprising most of the state, by the end of 2014. "Experts" say that would be "unconstitutional"... Forget that whole state's rights thing.
The 13 western states are home to 93 percent of federal land. Here's a rundown of the top states for federal land ownership:
Nevada: 84.5 percent
Alaska: 69.1 percent
Utah: 57.4 percent
Oregon: 53.1 percent
Idaho: 50.2 percent
Arizona: 48.1 percent
California: 45.3 percent
Wyoming: 42.4 percent
New Mexico: 41.8 percent
Seven western states have demanded that the federal government return public lands, according to a March report from the liberal Center for American Progress:
“In the past year, legislatures in seven western states—Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Idaho—have passed, introduced, or explored legislation demanding that the federal government turn over millions of acres of federal public lands to the states,” according to a report from the Center For American Progress.
Under the guise of protecting and restoring wilderness, Agenda 21 is really about socializing all land. This means kicking people off land they have owned for centuries. Where are they expected to go? Urban areas. They'll live like sardines while nations once considered poor live better off than most Americans. 
The hundreds of armed federal agents who showed up at the Bundy Ranch on behalf of the United States Bureau of Land Management and the Federal Bureau of Investigation showed great restraint by not massacring what the media would call a bunch of right-wing gun nuts. They confiscated nearly 1,000 cattle they claimed trespassed on federal property and threatened the desert tortoise. In true US law enforcement fashion, they were sure to shoot a few of the cattle, but not before they buried a mass grave. Once armed Bundy supporters poured onto the ranch, however, the federal government backed off...for now, as Harry Reid makes clear.
Basically, the BLM is a criminal organization strongarming the Bundy's on behalf of mafioso racketeers. Cliven Bundy is only their latest target, and that's because he lives on the Gold Butte area of Nevada.
"It's not about the turtles. It's about water. There are developers working for military contractors that want that land and water for mining military grade minerals for industry...They want to sell the land by the highway for real estate development because it's close to I-15 and the Bundy's have been refusing to sell what they actually own directly for twenty years. Many buyers sent me out there with crazy offers for that land for many years," said Rusty Hill, a former land broker in the Gold Butte area.
It won't end with Cliven Bundy.
Texas officials are concerned that the Bureau of Land Management has its eyes on a massive land grab in northern Texas along the Oklahoma border. The issue  caught the attention of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who wrote to BLM Director Neil Kornze stating the agency “appears to be threatening” the private property rights of “hard-working Texans.”
It's even gotten to the point where, in this particular case, police helicopters are pulling over people in the middle of nature to do stop and frisks and ask for their "papers please".

If you are an American landowner, the time might be coming in which you must make a choice. Leave or fight the federal government?
Because if people don't fight they will be driven off their land in the US in the coming years and decades under the auspices of "sustainability." How you fight is up to you, whether it be non-cooperation (stop paying taxes, etc) or spreading info on things like Agenda 21 so people will wake up. Or taking the path Cliven Bundy's supporters took, which seems to have worked (again, for now). 
But if you stay, there will be an army of zombies chomping at the bit to watch the US government pull another WACO, except this time with drones, on you:
It might be a good idea to leave the US altogether and go to a lesser police state with a freer countryside. Get a second passport while you're at it so you can truly shed all your chains of the US.
Or you can stay. If living in the roach motel that is the US suits you, then you'll likely also be pleased to know about a coming calorie counter and the option to only eat meat on your birthday.  Think I am crazy? Then YOU'VE been conditioned for "Planned-opolis." Congratulations.  I will let some NGOs explain:

Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast,Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

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