Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No Longer Can We Depend Upon The Main Street Media To Give Us The Whole Story.

Survival Joe | Free Thinking • News • Police State

By Survival Joe

Mainstream Media: Mouthpieces of Propaganda

The mainstream media is in bad shape. It’s hard to rely on them for accurate reporting. I’ve told my wife more than once that I could not keep a straight face and say even half the things your average news anchor has to “report.”
Their stories are often woefully incomplete, intentionally misleading, or worse. The “watchdog media” has become the “lapdog media.” The only thing you can count on them for is to repeat whatever propaganda their masters want them to repeat.
Lapdog Media
I was reminded of this while reading The Sunday Denver Post this weekend. They finallyran a story on Bundy Ranch. Unfortunately, the story was more than a week late. What’s more, it left out critical pieces of information and was written with a heavy bias in favor the BLM’s actions.
Here’s an excerpt from the brief article:
The BLM backed off, citing safety concerns. They were faced with military-style AR-15 and AK-47 weapons trained on them from a picket line of citizen soldiers on an Interstate 15 overpass, with dozens of women and children in the possible crossfire.
BLM police released the 380 cattle collected, gave up the week-long roundup and lifted a closure of a vast range half the size of Delaware. The agency said it would resolve the matter “administratively and judicially.”
Left unresolved was the government’s claim that Bundy owes more than $1.1 million in fees and penalties for letting about 900 cows trespass for 20 years on arid rangeland of scrub brush, mesquite, cheat grass and yucca near the rustic town of Bunkerville, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., called Bundy’s supporters “domestic terrorists” and said a federal task force was being formed to deal with the unrest. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., told a KSNV-TV interviewer on Friday: “What Sen. Reid may call domestic terrorists, I call patriots.”
The article never mentions that the BLM first initiated violence when they attacked unarmed protesters with Tasers and attack dogs. Protesters did not bring out guns untilAFTER the BLM had attacked them and trained guns on them.
So with this pathetic piece of reporting, the journalist (Ken Ritter) has made it appear that the protesters were the aggressors and the BLM was “being the better man” by backing down. Talk about twisting the facts!
But thank God for the Internet. If you want to get the truth of any controversial story, the alternative media is the only option left. This is a group of individual self-appointed reporters who are more interested in the truth than they are about stepping on toes or towing the party line.
I’m talking about people like Ben Swann of Truth in Media, Alex Jones of Infowars, Mike Adams of Natural News, Pete Santilli of Guerilla Media Network. These are the people who are working their hardest to bring you the news… and… the truth behind the news.
Keep that in mind the next time you’re watching or reading the “lamestream media.”

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