Thursday, April 10, 2014

Obama Proves He Is NOT A Friend Of Israel. Expect The Hammer To Drop Soon!

Obama Administration Plants ‘Anonymous’ Bad Info To Undermine Israel’s Role In Peace Negotiations

April 10, 2014 by 
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File this one under “Obama Administration mindbenders destined to go underreported in mainstream media” – the White House has been furtively pursuing a behind-the-scenes media campaign in both the U.S. and in Israel to fabricate a plausible narrative that fingers the Israelis as the culprits in recently-collapsed peace talks with the Palestinians.
According to a report today at The Washington Free Beacon, multiple sources revealed that Obama Administration officials had essentially made up a crisis concerning housing permits in Jerusalem in order to “lay the groundwork for Israel to take the blame for talks collapsing by peddling a narrative to the Israeli press claiming that the Palestinians were outraged over Israeli settlements…”
Here’s more:
These administration officials have planted several stories in Israeli and U.S. newspapers blaming Israel for the collapse of peace talks and have additionally provided reporters with anonymous quotes slamming the Israeli government.
The primary source of these multiple reports has been identified as Middle East envoy Martin Indyk and his staff, according to these insiders, who said that the secret media campaign against Israel paved the way for Secretary of State John Kerry to go before Congress on Tuesday and publicly blame Israel for tanking the talks.
“The Palestinians didn’t even know they were supposed to be abandoning negotiations because of these housing permits, which are actually old, reissued permits for areas everyone assumes will end up on the Israelis’ side of the border anyway,” said one senior official at a U.S. based pro-Israel organization…
“Then Martin Indyk started telling anyone who would listen that in fact the Palestinians were angry over the housing issue,” the source said. “Eventually, the Palestinians figured out it was in their interest to echo what the Americans were saying.”
A U.S. source also anonymously claimed that the State Department, under Kerry, has established a reputation for undermining Israel behind the scenes.
“It’s one of the worst-kept secrets in Jerusalem,” the source told the Free Beacon.

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