Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ObamaCrapCare Enrolls Some--But No Where Near The Numbers That Should Have Been. We Still Have 39 Million Uninsured. Wasn't That The Original Goal--Insuring Those Were Uninsured?

Latest Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Nothing More than Left-Wing Propaganda

On April 1st, the official Twitter account for Barack Obama published the following image to promote Obamacare:

At first, it seemed like an April Fool’s joke, but it wasn’t.
When Mark Levin asked saw the Obamacare enrollment numbers promoted above, he tore into the Obama administration…
“What the hell is going on in Washington D.C.? Do they think we’re a bunch of rubes? Do they think we’re a bunch of morons?”
So the president claims 7 million have enrolled in Obamacare. Even if the figure is true (which I and many others doubt), that represents only 2% of Americans.
Furthermore, that 7 million figure does not account for the number of health insurance policies canceled, which the Associated Press said was 4.7 million in December.
If we subtract out the AP’s number of cancellations, that’s maybe a net gain of 2 million — which is less than 1 percent of the U.S. population. Mark Levin says the actual net gain figure is more like 850,000… a far cry from the 7 million promoted by Obama.
And here are some other questions that come to mind… Aren’t many of the new Obamacare enrollees paying much higher rates than they were before? And wouldn’t many others not have enrolled if not for the threat of the law?
It’s undeniable that Obamacare is a tyrannical bill that should be repealed. But the government keeps pushing propaganda and spending tens of millions of dollars on advertisements to “sell” Americans on signing up.
Frankly, I don’t see any reason to celebrate here.
-Survival Joe
P.S. Notice the “Truth Team” badge at the top of the image? Is that a joke?
P.P.S. I like how the Obama administration has tried to put a “free enterprise” spin on Obamacare… “the new marketplace.” It’s NOT a new marketplace… it’s the same as the old one… except now companies are forced to provide a specific product and you’re forced to buy it.
Aren’t you glad you live in a “free” country where you can do what you want? ;-)

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