Monday, April 21, 2014

Tampering With The Constitution, Just Another Indication That The Country Is Imploding.

We are very pessimistic about the future of this country. When the powers to be start messing with the Constitution, it is an indication that the country's run is about to end. Whether it is Obama's unilateral  decision NOT to enforce laws he does not like or when Congress decides to pass a law (ObamaCrapCare or Immigration Reform) that the majority of citizens don't want or an ill advised move such as the National Popular Vote Compact Law, the nation cannot live much longer as a Constitutional Republic. Additionally we have rogue agencies (IRS, NSA are great examples) which do whatever they want to American citizens and when they are caught are not brought to heel.

Also, when  legislators treat themselves a Princes and the President as King, how much longer can the nation survive.  In 1952 when President Harry Truman left the White House, he and Bess (his wife) drove back to Missouri by themselves. There was no entourage, no Secret Service, no jet planes, only two citizens going back to their private lives. How different it is today!  

Retirement for Presidents now means round the clock security, giant retirements and  massive libraries all fed by American citizens tax money. Congressmen/women who spend four years in the swamp of Washington get retirement plans for the rest of their lives. And who voted for these packages, of course it was the legislators themselves! How cushy a job is that?  

A country has no future when its leaders treat the treasury as their personal piggy bank; when the rule of law is ignored; when agencies run ram-shod over the citizens; and when the Constitution is disregarded. It is only a short time before a leader declares himself/herself as President for life, terminates the power of Congress and gives himself/herself total control of the country. We are on that road. Will it occur in a week, a month, or forty years, depends upon world events as well as those occurring within the country.  But mark our words, we will lose this country as we have known it.

For those of you who think there is time, we disagree. It passed in the election of 2012. It passed when large numbers of districts did not cast one single vote for Romney. It passed when voter irregularities in black districts were dismissed while those in other districts were investigated. It passed when people bragged about voting 6 times and were not charged and convicted. It passed when 50% of the people no longer pay taxes. It passed when a significant number of people (Romney said 48%) receive some sort of government support. The time has passed,we can only wait to see what event signals the final bell.

Internationally, our reputation as a country that supports human rights has gone. We scream about our troops inadvertently killing civilians but ignore Darfur which is terrible times a million.  We wring out hands and demand restraint when Israel responds to its citizens being bombed by rockets yet we accept the PLO as a peace partner. In Syria, Putin out maneuvered the Administration and left us sitting on the side of the road with our thumb in the air. Same goes for the Ukraine.

Our mantra seems to have changed from "walk quietly but carry a big stick" to "make a lot of noise and maybe the threat will pass."  We are impotent, the world knows it and we can do nothing about it.  How things have changed since 1950!

America is following the same trend as other nations. Those rise to great heights and then decline. Think Rome. Think Greece. We are no different and our future will be the same. We will become a third world country that can barely support itself.  

Who is to blame? Each and every citizen, including yours truly. We have allowed our government to get fat, lazy and overbearing. We encouraged our leaders to think for us, act for us, and to take over our responsibilities.  They gratefully accepted our acquiesce. 

To turn this country around we must eliminate half or more of the cabinet offices, most of the regulatory agencies, term limit all Congressional office holders, and insist that the Constitution be followed. This, my friends, is a near impossible task. Reagan tried to eliminate the Department of Education and that effort was thwarted effectively. To expect to make the necessary changes is a Don Quixote challenge to which even he would say is crazy. 

So what can we do? Prepare for the worst, it is coming and has been since 1950. We have lost our way. Too bad, this country had a great run.

Conservative Tom

Kristol, Dershowitz Slam Effort to Rig Electoral College

Sunday, 20 Apr 2014 07:58 PM
By Todd Beamon
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Conservatives and leading liberals slammed the campaign to effectively end the Electoral College's role in presidential elections, saying that the National Popular Vote Compact Law circumvents the Constitution, saying it resembled President Barack Obama's abuse of the law through his extensive use of executive orders.

"It is pretty startling," Bill Kristol, founder and editor of The Weekly Standard, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV this week. "If they want to make the case for the popular election of presidents and a Constitutional amendment, they should make the case.

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"But the left these days doesn't make the case, and they don't go the normal route of changing the law if they don't like the law," Kristol added. "They think of gimmicks and evasions and ways to get around the normal popular debate.

"This is all happening kind of quietly. I'm really struck by the way they’re doing it."

Under the National Popular Vote Compact, each state would award its electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote. The effort has been quietly winding its way through state governments, needing 270 votes to take effect.

Once states with electoral votes totaling the magic 270 – the number a presidential candidate needs to becomes president – pass the law, it immediately takes effect. The new law would mandate that each of the states in the compact must cede their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, even if a particular state were to give a majority to the loser of the popular vote.

Put another way, if Florida has been a member of such a compact in the 2000 presidential year, it would have had to cede its electoral votes to Al Gore, making him president, since he won the popular vote nation-wide, though he lost in the state of Florida.

The compact has been attacked by Republican strategist Dick Morris, who charged in anexclusive Newsmax column that the effort is ripe for voter fraud and would guarantee that Democrats win the White House every four years.

This week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pledged the Empire State's 29 electoral votes to the effort, which now has 165 votes. New York is the 10th state to come aboard. The District of Columbia, with three electoral votes, has also signed the agreement.

The other states are Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Vermont, California, Rhode Island, and Washington.

Morris said all of the jurisdictions supporting the compact backed President Barack Obama in the 2012 election.

It also has been approved by at least one legislative body in these states: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Oregon.

The states total 78 electoral votes, and eight of them voted for Obama, Morris said.

Other conservatives echoed Morris, saying that "the stealth way" — going through the states — was doing an end-run around the Constitution.

"It's a serious discussion. It's a debate worth having," former Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra told Malzberg. "If we're going to change it, let's do it the appropriate way: get the super-majority votes in Congress, have the states ratify it, have a national debate.

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"This is again by the left an effort to circumvent the current electoral process, and through a stealth campaign, ensure their electoral dominance moving into the future."

Kevin Jackson, the radio talk-show host and author who was a panelist with Hoekstra, said the Electoral College effort comes as "we're dangerously close to the left having control of the Supreme Court" with the possible retirement of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 81, and three others in their 70s.

They are Antonin Scalia, 78, and Anthony Kennedy, 77, who were appointed by President Ronald Reagan; and Stephen Breyer, 75, who — along with Ginsberg — were appointed by President Bill Clinton.

"It's definitely trying to get around the system," Jackson said of the vote compact.

Even such liberals as Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz and Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf blasted the campaign.

"It's nuts," Sheinkopf told Malzberg. "Here's a case of where they're trying to go around the Constitution, around the law, to do something that's patently illegal and wrong. It's the same way the Obama administration issues executive orders.

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"Our Constitution, that's worked very well for 200 years, is now being tampered with. A bad move.

"This system was put in place to ensure that crazy people couldn't get control of the government," Sheinkopf added. "And that's why it works.

"Don’t change something that shouldn’t be changed for the purpose of making some people happy."

Dershowitz said the compact "certainly violates the spirit of the Constitution. Plainly, the founders of the Constitution did not intend for there to be a conspiracy among certain states to essentially abolish the Electoral College."

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He, too, called for a Constitutional amendment. The Electoral College was established by the Founding Fathers during the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

"The amendment probably would not succeed, but to use this method of circumvention, it seems to me would encourage other states to use other methods of circumventing the Constitution when it came to racial equality or other things," Dershowitz told Malzberg.

"I think it is quite short-sighted," he added. "I do not support it."

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