Sunday, April 6, 2014

Terrorists Have Nothing To Worry About, World Trade Center Security Is Poor.

Security Expert: WTC Breaches 'Embarrassing'
A leading security expert says his firm uses software that likely would have prevented three recent security breaches at the World Trade Center.
In September, three men parachuted from the top of the tower, the tallest building in North America. Then on March 16, a teenager climbed to the top of the building, eluding an "inattentive" security guard on the 104th floor, according to the Port Authority of New York. And on March 24, two CNN producers broke onto the site while covering a story. All three incidents led to arrests.
Richard "Bo" Dietl is a former NYPD detective and the chairman and CEO of Beau Dietl & Associates (BDA), a New York-based security firm. He is critical of security efforts at the WTC site, an area that has already been attacked twice by terrorists.
"There have been some pretty embarrassing breaches of security at this site," he declared. "We have been lucky that none of these people had been engaged in terrorist or criminal activities."
BDA has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop proprietary software, "TrackNet," which keeps track of all security guards through a GPS system. It sends a message to a guard every 15 minutes to ensure the guard is responsive. It can also provide real-time intelligence to guards in the event of security concerns.
"I truly believe that had the WTC employed this type of security, their security program would have been more robust and these breaches would have been detected before occurring," Dietl said.
"We have the personnel and the technology to minimize any breaches in the security at the World Trade Center. Why are we waiting?"
Dietl was appointed chairman of the New York State Security Guard Advisory Council in 1994 and is a frequent contributor on Fox News.
He said his firm prefers to hire military veterans as security guards and pays them higher wages than average.
"What often comes into play is, 'I want the best security for the cheapest price,'" he said. "This is an oxymoron. You get what you pay for."

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