Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Administration's Solution To Every Problem--Throw Money At The Situation, Even Though They Don't Understand The Issue.

Holder Pursues $15 Million To Fund Active Shooter Cop Training

April 15, 2014 by  
 31 13
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Advancing the Obama Administration’s philosophy that regards law enforcement professionals as the only legitimate response to put down an immediate armed threat, Attorney General Eric Holder tied this week’s shootings in Kansas City to an appeal to Congress to fund more police training to address “active shooter” situations.
Focusing his weekly video message to Congress on the request, Holder justified the request based on his belief in the effectiveness of similar training that’s already received Federal funding.
“This vital work must continue — but to provide training, we need adequate funding. This critical funding would help the Justice Department ensure that America’s police officers have the tools and guidance they need to effectively respond to active shooter incidents whenever and wherever they arise,” he said.
The text summary accompanying the video on the DOJ website explains the need for more active-shooter-trained police (no mention of concealed carry on military bases, faithful interpretation of the 2nd Amendment or renewing the focus on the maze of local laws that currently go unenforced) as a function of the “alarming” increase in “active shooter incidents since 2009…”
Amid an alarming rise in the number of active shooter incidents since 2009 – and following the recent tragedies at Ft. Hood and at a Jewish Community Center in Kansas – Attorney General Eric Holder urged Congress to approve $15 million in funding for active shooter training and other officer safety initiatives. These initiatives are critical to providing front-line officers-who are usually first on the scene of an active shooting incident-with the tools, training, and equipment they need to respond to threats, to protect themselves, and to save innocent lives.
It’s worth noting that, after a cavalcade of post-Sandy Hook reports from left-leaning and mainstream media outlets decrying a recent and dramatic increase in mass shootings, those who bothered to follow up had to eat crow after a Boston criminologist and academic debunked that myth.
Holder evidently didn’t read that report – or the report from the FBI’s own NICS database that shows violent crime has decreased as more and more law-abiding citizens seek to obtain firearms.

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