Friday, April 25, 2014

The Political Parties Are Not Our Friends. They Operate Only To Promote Those Who Believe As They Do And Are Not Open To Change.

More Than Half Believe Neither Party Is For The People

April 25, 2014 by  
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More Than Half Believe Neither Party Is For The People

As the polling season heats up, most political polls focus on candidates vying for Congressional seats by jockeying for voters’ favor within the established two-party system. Yet when asked how they feel about the very system that yields America’s perennial crop of ruling-class leaders, a majority of voters lacks faith in either party.
Rasmussen poll released Thursday finds that 53 percent of likely voters feel that neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party reflects the values and goals of most Americans.
In response to the poll question — “Is it fair to say that neither party in Congress is the party of the American people?” — 53 percent agreed, 28 percent disagreed and 19 percent said they weren't sure.
The number of people who disagreed has risen over the past six months, when a similar Rasmussen poll found that 47 percent of likely voters held the same belief. It also matches the ongoing poll’s all-time high, back in June 2012 (another election year).
There aren't a lot of demographic takeaways from this poll, but Rasmussen does point out:
Generally speaking, the younger the voter, the more likely he or she is to believe that neither party represents the American people. Men are more skeptical than women. Blacks are less doubting than whites and other minority voters are.
Taken with similar recently culled data, Thursday’s poll reveals an ongoing trend of greater dissatisfaction and disconnect on the part of GOP voters, who feel their leadership is particularly out of touch.
An April 11 poll found that 59 percent of Republican voters do not feel that the party’s Congressional representation faithfully reflects the views of the party’s base — even as Democratic voters continued to demonstrate relative satisfaction with their Congressional leadership.
That survey also found that only 29 percent of Republican voters strongly approved of the way Congressional GOP leaders had represented their constituents.

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