Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Will Princess Sahar's Appeal To Overthrow Father Come True? Is It Time For Saudis To End Their Control Of The Kingdom?

Princess Sahar's Uprising Appeal to Saudi Arabians Aired by Iran

Tuesday, 29 Apr 2014 09:22 AM
By Michael Mullins
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Princess Sahar's uprising appeal to her fellow Saudi Arabians was broadcast on Iran'sPressTV news station late last week.

Sahar is the 42-year-old daughter of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and has been under house arrest, along with three of her sisters – Maha, Hala and Jawaher Al Saud – for 10 years in the king's palace after the trio had openly opposed the way her father's treats women.

Speaking to "martyrs and free men in jail," Sahar promised in the video to "follow in your footsteps and not to let go of your hands. God’s hand will be above us. . . For this reason, we will press ahead on the path by our own will."

"We will become victorious with faith in God. Good luck, you who have honored us by raising the flags of freedom. Your sisters, Sahar and Jawahir," the princess concluded.

In addition to being confined to living in the king's palace, Sahar and her sisters have been prohibited from marrying any members of the royal family.

In the video, Sahar mentions Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a critic of the Saudia Arabian government who has been imprisoned since 2012, DigitalJournal.com reported.

Earlier in the month, Sahar told the New York Post in a telephone interview that she and her sisters "are cut off and isolated and alone."

"We are hostages. No one can come see us, and we can’t go see anyone," Sahar said. "Our father is responsible and his sons, our half-brothers, are both culprits in this tragedy."

Sahar's mother, Alanoud Al Fayez – who is currently living in London, told the New York Post that her daughters are victims of the same oppressive Saudi Arabian regime which she suffered under until her former husband divorced her in the 1980s after she gave birth to four daughters and no sons.

"After I was forced to marry him, Abdullah would come to my room as a visitor for a few hours every now and then, and then he’d go to his other wives, so you don’t even fight, you don’t even matter," Al Fayez told the New York Post.

"Really, he had divorced me a number of times and he’d abuse me, beat me and had me beaten by guards," Al Fayez continued. "And the more I took the abuse, the more I was abused."

Al Fayez said she relocated to the West so that she could "tell the world about the abuses of women in Saudi Arabia."

King Abdullah, who is said to be worth an estimated $15 billion, has had 30 wives with whom he's fathered more than 40 children, the New York Post noted.

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