Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Small Victory But A Victory Over Gun Hating School Administration. We Will Take Every Victory, No Matter How Small.

Right to Bear Arms blog:

Student Suspended for Gun T-Shirt Uses 1st Amendment to Overturn Ruling

Chris Borg attends a school whose mascot is a devil carrying a trident.
That’s why when Chris wore a shirt that endorsed a shooting club with an AK-47 as the emblem to his Hinsdale Township High School, he wasn’t expecting to be told he had to remove the shirt or face suspension.
Chris opted to keep the shirt on and was subsequently suspended for the day when he denied school officials’ demands that he remove the shirt.
But as Chris eloquently argues, no one has ever said to teachers or students they shouldn’t be allowed to wear clothing with the school’s mascot on it, even though the trident is technically a weapon, so why should he have to take his shirt off?
Correspondingly, he felt his first amendment right to freedom of expression was being violated by being required to remove his t-shirt, even though the shirt does not promote violence of any kind.
After the suspension, he went before the school board to protest the suspension, stating that this was a clear violation of his first amendment rights.
Upon review, the suspension was overturned.
As reported by Infowars:
“I’m ecstatic,” Borg told the Chicago Tribune. “I’m happy. I wasn’t trying to push buttons or be provocative. I was just trying to assert my First Amendment rights.”
The school’s superintendent, Bruce Law, noted that in the future the district will make more effort to investigate the imagery on any clothing that officials flag before moving directly to disciplinary action, admitting that Borg’s t-shirt does not promote violence or illegal activity.
“Lawful activity like a gun club or a military institution is different than an unlawful activity that promotes violence,” Law said.
“If you had a T-shirt promoting a guitar club you’d have guitar on it,” he added.
The fact of the matter is anything and everything associated with guns is being demonized by the liberal media.
This creeping anti-gun ideology is making its way into every corner of American life.
While large mutli-million dollar Hollywood studios with close connections to influential politicians can make movies that horribly distort the role of guns in society, law abiding-citizens can’t even make finger guns without fear of being penalized for such actions.
Logically, everyone (liberal media included) can admit that a gun doesn’t pose a threat to another individual unless it’s in the hands of someone with murder on their mind.
People have murdered other people without guns for centuries.
So by extension it’s easy to see how ridiculous it is to suspend a child for wearing a t-shirt with nothing more than the image of a gun on it, since a t-shirt with a gun is not a threat.
Chris Borg’s decision to stand up for his constitutionally afforded right to freedom of expression not only bolstered the standing of the first amendment, but also the second.

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