Monday, May 19, 2014

Abortion Guilt Stories--Just A Taste Of The Guilt.

I Can't Deal With My Guilt..... 

I had an abortion almost two years ago...... I feel guilty every single day, and wish that I had kept my baby. To have something to live for, to have a purpose in life. It was wrong of me to take that life away, I was being selfish and stupid. Almost every night I wake up crying from a dream about a screaming baby that I just can't seem to comfort. I don't know how to deal with this. And I honestly don't know how much longer I can last holding this all in with no one to talk to.
TaylorRaeTaylorRae 16-17, F10 Responses Jan 14, 2012
Your not alone,I myself have been through this. It's still emotionally breaks me down to think the decision we made at the time. I have guilt,I cry,and have days were I feel disgusted with my self. Your not alone, you made a decision and that's for no one else to judge,but your self. I'm too feeling like I have no one else who can understand my pain and guilt. If you ever read this comment,please feel free to reply if you need someone to talk to. Hope you the best.
Hey honey,

I was 16 when i had an abortion, i am now 19 and still finding it tough especially at night. I think it is absolutley normal that you are upset and i think if you weren't it would be inhumane. Its the worst thing a woman can go through but i also think you are a good person for reflecting on past experiences and allowing yourself to think about what has happened. It is good that you came on here and that is the first step in the right direction. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, even though sometimes it hurts i believe that it will get better. If you want to share your story or talk i am here for you.

hi, I had an abortion 2 months ago and know how you feel. I see you are a teenager and may not have many people to talk to. This was my second abortion. the first on was easy and simply to deal with so i never needed to talk about it. But now im 29 and this is by far the most tragic thing i have ever experienced, not a day goes by the dont think about my last abortion. Before i got pregnant i decided i wanted to see a therapist to deal with an issue i was dealing with at the moment. So in sessions i was able to talk and vent to someone of my sorrows with the abortion. I personally never felt guilty. I dont think its wrong to have an abortion, we do it bc unwanted circumstances happen and not all women and men are ready. But what i did feel was sorrow and grief. I had feelings for my child. I tattooed my due date on my arm to bring me some sorta comfort in my healing process. I felt i needed to honor my child i lost. I say I lost a baby bc thats what it felt like. It was no different than an miscarriage. Thru therapy it helped my reassure myself that i made the best decision for me.
i know what you are going through, its been 6 years since my abortion and to help persuade others against that horrid decision i made this video share it with whoever you'd like. maybe you can relate to me? if you need someone to talk to, i'm always available, just message me on my channel and we can go from there. i have my own story on here that i posted a couple years ago, and i know every emotion you are going through. you never forget, but if you try to help others or talk to others that have been down the same hurtful road it does help, and healing can begin. i would like to suggest the movie Tilly by frank peretti, it had helped me heal so much and is a very sensitive, very touching post abortive film to help the healing process begin. when i first started healing i looked at it this way "God is taking care of my baby, watching him, keeping him safe almost like my babysitter until i can be with my son, and if i could trust anyone with my baby its God". i am a post abortion counselor at a pregnancy center and just recently been going to prolife conventions to share my story with other women that are post abortive that attend. i would like to offer my support and knowledge of different avenues to take for post abortive healing. its always best to have someone to talk to that has gone down the same road. i hope that you take me up on the offer, but only when you are ready. if you'd like to contact me on facebook, that would be just as fine, i hope to hear from you, and i wish you the best of luck in your search for comfort, and healing.

i feel really sad to read your story, i imagine what youre going through must be so painful, too painful. thank God, i never had an abortion, but for many years already im being veeery focused to all the possible perspectives of that hard topic.

what i strongly believe is the only constructive, true, positive, full of hope solution, is an active effort to reconnect with your child.

i am a believer (in God), hope you are too, for in that case my story might have a real, senseful meaning to you..

i believe you should persist on praying for your child, even talk to your child in the way: "my dear baby, i feel sad for what i did, ive done a big mistake, i wish it hadnt hapened and that now we would be holding eachother. My dear baby, i can not change the past.

But i can change the future!!!

and i dont want my future without you! i want it and i will have it with you! i ACCEPT you! i have done a big mistake, but the truth is that you are very wanted! and LOVED! i dont want to keep on with my life forgetting you ever existed. you did and you do exist! you are still my beloved baby and i am your mother. and one day we shall meet and spend the whole eternity together! full of hope, im looking forward to that moment!..."

God is good. he forgives. he forgave you. you still need to forgive yourself. i think the only way to do it is through prayer and positive, loving connection with your child.

God is good. i believe your baby is with him. and maybe...

maybe all your baby lacks, within the perfection of heaven, is ITS MOTHERS ACCEPTANCE AND LOVE.
Hi Sweetheart, I would like to share with you what I did to heal after my abortion, but I don't want to send it over this forum. If you're are interested, send me a private message and I will send you my message. God bless you and know that He loves you and has a plan for you that is good. God forgives and Jesus died for the world's sin, which includes our abortions. Hugs. xx

Have you tried going to counseling and talking about it there? Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary that I had my abortion. At the time, I felt that it was the best decision and I still do feel that way but I still feel guilty and have a lot of fears and pain associated with it. As the anniversary approaches, it has gotten harder for me. I started seeing a counselor although it wasn't due to the abortion but as I started feeling comfortable with my counselor, I started talking and even crying about my abortion. It has helped me because I can now talk to my boyfriend about the abortion, which I wasn't able to do before. He was completely against having an abortion and he had said some mean things to me before we actually went through with it. Even though he didn't agree with my decision, he tried his best to put his feelings aside and be supportive but his previous mean comments made me withdrawal from talking to him about it. He is now one of the most supportive people that I have to talk to about my feelings and it helps a lot.

I hope this helps.

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