Friday, May 9, 2014

Bundy , Assange, Trayvon Martin--All Distractions From What Is Really Going On In Washington

The Dollar  
Friday,May 09, 2014
Yeah, Let's Make It All About Racism
Having the ability to reduce a massive in-your-face land grab to be nothing more than about racism is no ordinary task, it certainly takes a very special type of person to accomplish the mission, a person with no shame, no scruples nor common sense for that matter. In fact you have to be clinically insane or otherwise it wouldn’t even occur to you.
Making a major land grab seem all about racism is like witnessing a rape taking place while you’re complaining about the victim’s clothing “Wait, is that fur she’s wearing? Oh my god, how dare she!” You perceive all of the victim's cries for help as mere noise because you're just too busy judging her wardrobe. You see, we’ve always known that we’re living in the twilight zone and that the age of reason is long gone. We’ve always known that, but now we have proof.
What’s even more insane about this is observing all the Obama supporters, the "leftists", calling for drone strikes on Cliven Bundy’s family and their sympathizers. Let’s not forget that these are the same people that were screaming bloody murder when Bush was bombing innocent people into pieces. They opposed violence time-and-time again, but not because they recognized the evil immorality of massacring innocent people. Instead they wished to hold the moral high ground on those futile republicans they saw merely as retarded rednecks. The irony however is that those same “sophisticated" anti-war leftists are now asking for the massacre and decimation of the innocent, only they keep pretending to have the moral high ground by doing so. as you can observe in these tweets. Luckily these tweets took place before that racism psy-op happened, otherwise they would’ve been asking for the atomic bomb.
The minute you learn to see beyond the lunacy you'll immediately realize that you really don’t have to be an experienced fraud detective to recognize that this is nothing but a classic con-job that consists of faking an internal enemy to cause everyone to start blaming everyone and chasing ghosts, creating enough confusion to provide you the necessary diversion, and giving you the opportunity to escape and get away with it, and with all the money or in this case all the land.
The same thing happened with Julian Assange. They made it all about that Swedish woman and the mystery of the self-slitting condom, again just to create enough confusion so everybody forgot about the humongous elephant in the room, the unbelievable atrocities that Wikileaks exposed, the evil reality of the soul-crushing sociopathic system we live-and-die under.
I keep wondering, however, how much resources and manpower did it take to plant a condom that splits? It takes a special kind of team I’m sure, and a special kind of person with lots of imagination and free time to come up with the idea, the kind of person that belongs in any establishment which description finishes with: “For the clinically insane". The crazy part however, is that It worked!
It works every single time in fact.  Do you remember all the media attention on Trayvon Martin to distract us from the NSA scandal, the IRS scandal, and Benghazi? or when John Kerry was lurking around Syria? They just focused on the twerking of Miley Cyrus, or even more recently when all the eyes were on Donald Sterling, they were passing warrantless searches like east-Berlin… In other words, business as usual.
It’s always the same trick. Think of it as a scam artist slowly walking towards the exit while carrying a piece of art, a 6 foot by 6 foot painting that mesmerizes the audience while his accomplices are hiding behind that same painting carrying the belongings of the easily-impressed.
"He’s racist! Send a Drone strike on his ass!"
"But… didn’t the tape appear to be edited, as it is common procedure in mainstream media?"
"I don’t care he looks like a racist, plus he’s a republican, bomb them!"
"How about the innocent families and children over there?"
"Well, casualities of war."
"Wait, what? Isn’t that what the republicans used to say?"
Funny people those Dems (which I believe the word Dems doesn't do them justice and that an “on“ should be thrown in the middle between the M and the S). They were all against war and violence… But as soon as their beloved Obama got elected, they had no trouble advocating violence against other people. As much as I hate to say it, that is change.
To observe that "change we can believe in" in all its beauty, let’s take a short trip down memory lane: You remember when all those horrific pictures of tortures and humiliation were leaked to the press, right?
Can you recall the name of the whistleblower that leaked those pictures? Exactly. That was then, and this is now, because now with this benevolent demonic - sorry, democratic administration - it’s not the perpetrator of the crimes that goes to jail, it’s the person who exposes them! Now, that’s change.
So if your name is Chelsea Manning and you can’t live with yourself watching how your "comrades" enjoy making the murder of infants a vicious game, if you can’t live with yourself watching how psychopaths relish the slaughtering of the most defenseless of our species, then you're a bad statist, and if you do something about it, then you have to go to jail. You have to pay for having a conscience.
So if you’re a leftist, how can you defend that? And why would you try for that matter? Just to win the argument? Do you even see what you participate in? What excuses could you possibly have? That he’s a traitor and those babies were casualities of war? How does that work? Children killed before 2008 are innocent civilians, and ALL the children killed after 2008 come from he same family - "the enemy combatant family"?  All this hypocrisy just to defend the fact that you've voted for Obama? Do you see what statism does to you?
"You read this stuff in 1984 and it is a portrait of insanity, we are now at war with east Asia, we have always been at war with east Asia, whereas yesterday it was Eurasia, this constant erasure of the past, this constant living in the propaganda of the now, it squeezes and shreds any capacity for moral outrage in the hearts of mankind, to such a degree that I almost don’t know, I almost don’t know to which degree to which I would seriously get behind and push for the continued success of the species as it stands. It is repulsive. It is repulsive the degree to which we have forgotten all the moral absolutes of yesterday for the sake of the complete moral absolutes of today and we don't even know that we've forgetten them. Look, it's one thing to say that I've betrayed my principles, it's another thing to say that I have no principles, it's another thing to say that I'll have these principles today which are the opposite yesterday's principles because these principles are more useful for me today, these are all crazy but funcionally crazy, what is not functionally crazy, what is psychotic beyond reason and evidence and empiricism and survival is to say: These have always been my absolute principles even though they are the absolute principles that I had yesterday". - Stefan Molyneux

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