Monday, May 12, 2014

Cliven Bundy Still Has Support By Neighbors. He Should!

Here’s How the Residents of Bunkerville Feel about Cliven Bundy

Cliven Bundy and his family have been receiving an overwhelming amount of support from Patriots across the U.S. because of his stand against against the BLM.
Fortunately for Bundy, the support doesn’t stop there. Many in his hometown of Bunkerville, Nevada have quickly come to the defense of the proud American rancher.
FOX5 Vegas – KVVU

The support for Bundy comes from people who are upset by the Gestapo-like tactics perpetrated by the BLM and frustrated with the local sheriff for not stepping in and regulating the entire affair.
“I’m really disappointed in our sheriff for not being out here to protect the citizens who are out here,” one council member mentioned at a recent town hall meeting.
The citizens of Bunkerville noted that Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie and his staff were noticeably absent during the conflict.
In fact, as reported by some of those in the Sheriff’s department, Gillespie and his staff were reluctant to get involved for fear of their own safety. They feared that had the situation escalated they would have been caught in the deadly crossfire between BLM agents and armed citizens.
Most have dismissed the accusations against Bundy for being a racist because they know the true nature and character of the loyal and non-prejudicial American.
They’ve instead taken issue with the fact that the BLM abused Bundy, his land, his animals, along with others who were standing against a gross abuse of government authority.
As reported by Infowars, one lady said:
“I called the metro and their exact words to me were: ‘It’s the BLM and Cliven’s problem and I should take it up with one of those two.’ That is Bullcrap! Those are my children and this is my community, and if metro does not have the guts to come out and protect us, what are you here for? What are we paying you guys for?”
The truth is a large number in the community are so concerned with the issue that many in the town have gone forward with a formal complaint against the Feds. The complaint reads:
“We believe that the BLM men who pointed guns at over 1,000 people on April 12th near the I-15 freeway south of Mesquite committed a criminal act and the Clark County sheriff’s office should be required to investigate.”
Though the fracas has died down in the past few weeks, it doesn’t mean that Bundy and his town are going to let this issue slide.

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