Monday, May 19, 2014

Gallup Finds Racism Least Of Problems With US--But Obama's Major Focus!

Obama In Touch: Three Percent Of Americans Worried About Racism, The Environment And Other Presidential Obsessions

May 19, 2014 by  
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Don’t be shocked, but yet another poll finds that President Obama’s short list of Favorite (political) Things is pretty much jam-packed with issues most Americans don’t care about.
In Gallup’s latest iteration of its tracking poll observing the most important problem facing America today, a staggering twelve percent combined (three percent apiece) named the wealth gap, immigration, the environment and race relations as the Nation’s most urgent priority.
Compare that with the 20 percent who believe the lack of available jobs is our most pressing concern, or the 19 percent who cited general government impotence and corruption. Or the 17 percent who named the overall economy, or the 11 percent most concerned about health care (an Obama specialty):
At least give Obama some credit – he’s managed to triple the effective reach of his race / immigration sermonizing since last month’s poll.

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