Monday, May 12, 2014

Hillary Wants Your Guns!

Hillary Clinton: “We’ve Got to Rein in Guns”

Build Your Own AR-15 'Off The Books'?

According to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, if we don’t get guns ‘under control’ we’ll be living in a society where people are just running around shooting each other over the smallest of annoyances.
In a talk given to mental health professionals at the National Council for Behavioral Health’s annual conference just outside Washington, D.C., more than 4,000 people gathered to hear Mrs. Clinton’s views on gun control.
During the Q&A, she said, “We’ve got to rein in what has become almost an article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere anytime.”
When Clinton was asked what she thought about gun control, she responded:
“We really have got to get our arms around it because at the rate we are going, we are going to have so many people with guns everywhere fully licensed, fully validated… it would be a bad idea to let people go to bars with guns, let them go to schools with guns, let them go to church with guns.”
Mrs. Clinton has tried to walk a tightrope of respecting gun owners’ rights while at the same time clamping down on guns with tighter gun control measures.
She was recently quoted saying:
“[I believe in] the rights of lawful gun owners to own guns, to use their guns, but I also believe that most lawful gun owners whom I have spoken with for many years across our country also want to be sure that we keep those guns out of the wrong hands.”
Clinton is one of the favorite frontrunners for the Democratic party in the 2016 national election.
Her views on gun control are very much in line with the rest of the Democratic party, which wants to pass invasive background checks and continue limiting the sale of certain types of ammunition, weapons platforms, and accessories.
Though the rhetoric coming from Mrs. Clinton is obviously anti-gun, 2nd Amendment supporters should be encouraged because efforts to roll out new background check laws failed to pass the Democratic controlled Senate in April of last year.
Since then, no real efforts have been made by Democrats to ram through more restrictive gun laws at the federal level. Of course, that might change if Hillary Clinton becomes the next president.

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