Saturday, May 10, 2014

In The US, Right Is Wrong, Good Is Bad, Heterosexual Is Perverted, Gay Is Glorified And Being White, Male And Straight Is Somehow Bad

Watch These Guys Apologize For Being White, Straight

May 9, 2014 by  
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A new video making its rounds on the Internet features “straight, white guys” who feel compelled to apologize to everyone who isn’t a straight, white guy in America.
The YouTube video, written and directed by Stephen Parkhurst, insinuates that straight, white men are collectively resistant to progress. Parkhurst produced a video last year that featured millennials apologizing for being millennials.
A description along with the video reads:
First Millennials apologized, now straight white dudes are taking a turn. It’s not that we’re against inequality, we just can’t relate to it. That’s all.
“True equality would mean that straight white dudes are treated exactly the same as everyone else,” actors on the video say. “And given how we’ve treated everyone else, you can see why we might not be super into that idea.”
“If you knew just how easy it is to be a straight white guy in America, you’d get why we might be a bit resistant to change,” the video goes on before proclaiming that straight, white men are “terrible people.”
Pundit Glenn Beck talked about the video on his radio show:
I don’t know what we’re doing as a society. We’re tearing apart absolutely everything and splitting us into little groups. Now white men suck, and we need to apologize. This is something now that is sweeping our college campuses… You’ll think it’s a joke. You’ll think it’s a Saturday Night Live kit, but it’s not, they’re serious. ‘Hi, I’m white. I’m a male, and I suck. And I’ve oppressed people for so long.’ Now, I haven’t oppressed anybody. I don’t apologize for my whiteness or for being born a male. There are some things I can’t change. Oh, no, I guess now I can change that. There are some things I don’t want to change and being a white male, no matter where I live in the world, I’m not ashamed of. I never will be. Yes, I am a white. A white man. Oh, no, but all white males don’t suck. Some have sucked, sure. Some still suck. Uh-huh.

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