Friday, May 30, 2014

Knockout Game Victims Go Unreported, Is It Racial Discrimination By The Media?

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Roaming gangs of black youths descended on a festival in Cincinnati, carrying out a number of attacks that resembled the “Knockout Game,” a nationwide phenomenon in which randomly selected victims are struck in the head, sometimes fatally.
In one attack, Sunday night, about 20 black teen girls kicked, stomped on and punched a man who was trying to catch a bus.
WKRC-TV in Cincinnati reported David Manz, who is white, was heading to his night shift at Dunkin Donuts when the girls attacked and left him with bruises, scrapes and broken ribs.
“They ran straight at me and attacked me,” Manz told a reporter with Cincinnati’s Channel 12. “It was as if it was fun to them. Like it was a game.”
The reporter noted that it looked like a “Knockout Game” attack.
A surging number of black-mob attacks, mostly on white victims, has been in the news for several years. Many of the incidents have been documented in author Colin Flaherty’s book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
They include random mobs attacking neighborhood visitors and people at public events such as festivals and fairs.
Multiple fatalities have been reported, police confirm.
WKRC’s report noted the attacks happened last weekend while thousands of people were in town for the annual “Taste of Cincinnati” festival.
“There are also stories of random violence. People jumped, punched, and kicked by groups of teenagers,” the station reported. “One victim said the thugs seemed to enjoy hurting him.”
Reporter Deborah Dixon said one of the victims was Jon Deters, the son of county prosecutor Joe Deters. He was punched and fell to the ground, then was kicked and now has a concussion. His girlfriend tried to intervene and also was punched out, the station reported.
Detectives told WKRC the victims were not robbed, and there were no arguments ahead of time that would provoke an attack.
Flaherty told WND: “It was days before any of this hit the press. And when it did, the anchor introduced the first story by saying, ‘By most accounts, it was a successful weekend for the city of Cincinnati.’ We see that a lot: Reporters pretending racial violence is not a fact of life in their city. When it is.”
Flaherty said every reporter who covered the Cincinnati story “knows that racial violence is commonplace, especially near the University of Cincinnati downtown.”
“This school year, students have been the victims of dozens of cases of black mob violence and black on white crime,” he said.
“The police reports are easy enough to find at the university’s website. Yet none would put this latest violence in context: Cincinnati has a problem. And people will do anything to not talk about it. That’s the bad news,” he said.
“The other news is that the violence and denial in Cincinnati is not any better or worse than the racial violence and denial in Louisville, Cleveland, Fort Lauderdale — its a long list.”
A report from Cincinnati’s WCPO-TV had additional information:
WCPO and others reported only days earlier on a black teenager facing charges as an adult for what authorities are describing as the revenge arson of the home of a white woman and her two children. And his arrest, and that of a juvenile, may be just the tip of the iceberg, authorities say.
Thaddeus Shields, 18, was facing a court hearing, and a 17-year-old whose name was not released was facing juvenile court. Authorities, meanwhile, say their investigation continues, and more perpetrators may be arrested and charged in the May 13 attack in Middletown, Ohio.
The alleged black-on-white crime culminated a campaign of terror against the mother, according to a report by WCPO-TV.
The station reported that the victim, Jennifer Saylor (originally reported as Jennifer Chitwood), came into conflict with members of a local gang about Thanksgiving last year when her home was burglarized.
“I caught them coming out … with my TV – my flat screen – and they threw it,” she told the station.
She reported the incident to police, and two weeks later her home was again hit by burglars.
“We took my daughter to school and back, and they were going around my house with my flat screens,” Saylor said.
As a result, according to Middletown Police Lieutenant Scott Reeve, a 16-year-old was charged. And that, Saylor said, brought on the harassment.
“They don’t like you calling the police on them,” Saylor said. “They said, ‘If you guys call the police we’re coming back for you.’ Every time I walk down the street I get called names by girls and guys. (They say), ‘You’re the one that called police on my brother. You’re the one that put my cousin in jail.’”
Saylor, who fled the home before the fire with her sister and her children, a 4-month-old boy and a 4-year-old girl, recently reported to police that the gang had been harassing her again.
She said they were “jumping in and out of my yard, throwing things at my window.”
Then, she said, “they started throwing flares, and kicking my door.”
That was when she decided to flee for her family’s safety through a back window of the home.
Three hours later, the fire was reported. It gutted the home, destroying all of the family’s belongings.
Police described the arson as an act of retaliation, and although the local news reports included images of the woman and the alleged arsonist, none appeared to mention the racial factor.
Here’s one report:
And another:
See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:


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