Saturday, May 3, 2014

Militarized Government Agencies Predicted By Ron Paul Seventeen Years Ago.

17 Years Ago Ron Paul Predicted the BLM Would Do This

One thing Ron Paul has been well known for is his distinct ability to predict how public policy would shape the look of the United States years down the road.
Which is exactly why his warning that arming U.S. bureaucrats would create a slippery slope for American citizens is now coming to light after the recent interaction between Cliven Bundy and the BLM.

In 1997, Paul proclaimed that the increased armament of federal officials would begin to create a state of affairs where militarized officials would begin to present a clear and present danger to U.S. citizens on a regular basis.
In a speech before the US House, Paul said:
It’s “ironic that the proliferation of guns in the hands of the bureaucrats is pushed by the anti-gun fanatics who hate the Second Amendment and would disarm every law-abiding American citizen.”
“Yes, we need gun control. We need to disarm our bureaucrats, then abolish the agencies. If government bureaucrats like guns that much, let them seek work with the NRA.”
“Force and intimidation are the tools of tyrants. Intimidation with government guns, the threat of imprisonment, and the fear of harassment by government agents puts fear into the hearts of millions of Americans.”
And as the events that took place on Bundy ranch have adequately proven, the time where the U.S. government has begun to overstep its boundaries is upon us.
Just weeks ago BLM employees harassed U.S. citizens at gunpoint…executed privately owned livestock…and threatened the seizure of legally held land at the tip of automatic machine guns.
This kind of fallout was certainly on Paul’s mind 17 years ago when he made these predictions and commented that,
“Under the Constitution, there was never meant to be a federal police force… Even an FBI limited only to investigations was not accepted until this century. Yet today, fueled by the federal government’s misdirected war on drugs, radical environmentalism, and the aggressive behavior of the nanny state, we have witnessed the massive buildup of a virtual army of armed regulators prowling the states where they have no legal authority.”
The truth is such use of force was never meant to be a part of reasonable relations between citizens and government officials.
However, with increasing frequency, it’s exactly what continues to play out right before our eyes.

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