Saturday, May 17, 2014

Obama Transmits Message Of US Weakness In Schoolgirl Kidnapping.

Sarah Palin Blasts Obama Administration's 'Diplomacy by Twitter'

Friday, 16 May 2014 06:56 PM
By Todd Beamon
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Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin slammed the Obama administration's foreign policy on Friday, charging that social media messages on the plight of nearly 300 abducted schoolgirls in Nigeria amounted to "diplomacy via Twitter" versus being "rooted in peace through strength."

"Diplomacy via Twitter is the lazy, ineffectual, naïve, and insulting way for America’s leaders to deal with major national and international issues," the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate said on her Facebook page. "It’s embarrassing.

"Under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton’s State Department repeatedly refused to recognize Boko Haram as terrorists despite their conventional, predictable Islamic terrorist rants, training, and mission," she added. "Now, in a life-or-death situation, nearly 300 kidnapped Nigerian girls are in the hands of these terrorists awaiting rescue."

Boko Haram is the Islamic militant group that abducted the girls from their boarding school as they slept in Chibok, Nigeria, a month ago. While President Barack Obama has offered assistance to Nigeria, the government there has long been wary of accepting U.S. aid.

Republican Sen. John McCain has called on the White House to send in U.S. Special Forces to rescue the girls, whose whereabouts are not known. The group's name translates as "Western education is sinful."

The effort has attracted worldwide attention, with posts on Twitter last week by first lady Michelle Obama and several female celebrities.

Palin, apparently referencing the Michelle Obama tweet, said: "What is the Obama administration’s weapon of choice in this battle for these young girls’ lives? Hashtagging tweets on social media! I kinda-sorta doubt a tweet will intimidate the kidnappers much.

"If you’re going to jump in and do something about these Islamic terrorists at all, then do it right, do it firmly, and kick their ass," Palin said.

"Winning takes warriors. If you intend to rescue these innocent girls, whose only 'crime' was seeking an education despite the threats of insane Islamic terrorists who drag women back to the stone age ... then you need to send a message to the world that our United States military is the strongest force to protect the good guys, and the most deadly against the bad guys.

"The world needs to know America is still on the side of the good guys."

She added that "victory is only brought to you 'courtesy of the red, white and blue.' It’s certainly not won by your mere 'unfriending' the bad guys on Facebook.

"Leading from behind is not the American way," Palin said.

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