Monday, May 26, 2014

Our Memorial Day Message

Each year we become more irritated by those who have never been in the military making a big deal out of "supporting our troops."  It is especially apparent on the news shows where none of the talking heads have ever been near the military except maybe at a parade. It is also true of many who are in Congress and it is definitely true for our President.

They somehow feel the military is for "others," those who are not as smart as they are or not as special as they are. They believe that being in the military is  below their station in life; that anyone who joins, has nothing else to offer the country. However in reality those who join are more courageous and more patriotic 

We know this to be true. Coming from a family where my father was in WWII, we served during Vietnam and my son in currently in the USAF, we have given our service to the country out of patriotism and a sense of responsibility to the country that has given us many freedoms not available anywhere else in the world. We understand that freedom is not free, that the rights we have been given  takes constant vigilance and that every citizen is responsible for helping to maintain the special place which is the United States.

Today is Memorial Day where we celebrate those who gave their lives to the country. How can a President or Vice President who have not served a day in the military, understand this loss?  How can they feel the pain that comes from a government which delays care and lets veterans die while awaiting treatment? How can a President who has never served, ever understand that committing men to combat should be the last thing that is done? The answer is they can't.  

Memorial Day should celebrate those who have died preserving our freedoms. Their role is more important the President and Congress combined. Without those willing to put their lives on the line for the country, we would have no country.

If our leaders understood importance of the  military they would have fixed the VA system long ago. They would not have cut the pay and benefits for servicemen. There would not have been multiple deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. They would not be lowering the number of ships in the Navy, planes in the Air Force and troops in the Army to levels not seen since before WWII. Lastly, they would have made care of those hurt while in the military a top priority, something that is not happening. 

So when we hear the sanctimonious drivel coming from those who have not served, it makes us sick to our stomach. What do they know about sacrifice? What do they know about the separation from loved ones? What do they know about having friends being killed? 

On This Memorial Day, we celebrate those who served, who are serving and most importantly those who gave their "last full measure of devotion" to the United States.  They are the heroes, those are the ones we should celebrate.

Happy Memorial Day to all of our readers!

Conservative Tom

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