Thursday, May 1, 2014

Political Correctness Will End Freedom For ALL Americans!

The Intolerance Of The Tolerance Crowd

May 1, 2014 by  
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The Intolerance Of The Tolerance Crowd

Those who preach tolerance do not tolerate preaching. – Unknown
The shrieks and caterwauling of the politically correct crowd over alleged “racist” comments by a rancher and a NBA owner/slum lord reveal their utter hypocrisy and disdain for liberty.
The tolerance crowd tells us everyone must be tolerant of “alternate lifestyles” and gay “marriage” and non-Christian religious practices. They create out of whole cloth hate crimes and thought crimes in order to enforce their “tolerance.”
Yet the tolerance crowd does not tolerate contrarian opinions.
Brendan Eich was drummed out of his position at Mozilla by the tolerance crowd after it was revealed he contributed to Prop 8 in 2008. Cliven Bundy pointed out the slavery inherent in government entitlements and was figuratively tarred and feathered and abandoned by his spaghetti-spined opportunistic pseudo-friends. Donald Sterling has been banned for life from attending games played by and operating a team he owns, and he may have his property forcibly removed by the tolerance crowd over private comments recorded and released illegally — comments like those likely uttered by NBA players at one another during the course of every game and certainly no more offensive than those off which President Barack Obama’s favorite rapper, Jay Z, makes millions of dollars annually.
The tolerance crowd works daily to remove any mention of the Christian God from the public square and even public life, but insist Christians be tolerant of Islam and the religion of Atheism. The tolerance crowd insists Christians must tolerate – and support monetarily – the murder of innocents in the womb, and they won’t tolerate anyone who speaks out against abortion. The tolerance crowd has no tolerance whatsoever for guns and gun owners or kids with toy guns or even food shaped like guns.
Political correctness is the opposite of tolerance. PC is about conformity to government- and elite-approved thought, speech and deed. The government, its politicians and its idiot PC-preaching pawns do all they can to force political conformity.
Political conformity and compliance is what PC is all about. It is fascism. It is anathema to liberty.

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