Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Summary Of ObamaCrapCare--An Easy To Understand Explanation

Here is the 2700 page Obama Care condensed to 4 sentences.....
As it seems to be working, this is according to plan!

1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.
3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.
4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, free of charge to them.
(This is called "redistribution of wealth" . or, by its more common name, SOCIALISM.)

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