Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Clintons' Are Not People When You Get In Their Way. Just Ask Monica Lewinsky Or Kathleen Willey!

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Hillary Clinton
WASHINGTON – Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who claims she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, says she is very sympathetic toward Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern who, after 19 years, has decided to tell all about the lies and deceit surrounding the sexual relationship that ultimately led to impeachment.
“She has every right to tell her story,” said Willey. “She probably needs to if she is going to have experience any kind of normal life going forward.”
But she is quick to point out the story is never going away – especially if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016.
Asked if she thought a Hillary candidacy was likely, Willey quickly said: “She’s going to run. No question about it.”
As strongly revolted as she is about the actions of Bill Clinton during her tumultuous experience, Willey reserves a special revulsion for Hillary Clinton’s role in the cover-up.

Kathleen Willey
“How are we going to educate all the young women out there who think voting for a woman is going to be the answer to their dreams?” she asked. “They don’t know what was going on. They weren’t old enough to remember. And what gets under my collar is the way the Clintons never were held accountable for anything. They portrayed themselves as victims – successfully.”
What Willey wants the younger generation of women to understand is a slogan she coined: “Hillary is the war on women.”
“That’s what they don’t understand,” she said. “It’s really true. She was an enabler and worse. As Monica points out, Hillary blamed the woman, not her husband.”
Read all about the women Bill Clinton targeted, in “Their Lives,” and hear the first-person testimony of Kathleen Willey, who told the story of her encounter with Clinton in “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton.”
James Rogan, the former California Republican House member who served as the impeachment manager, told WND today that the White House portrayed Lewinsky as some kind of “deranged stalker.”
Willey said they tried to do that to her as well.
“They tried everything,” she said. “They claimed I was coming on to him – that I was stalking him. They’re masters at the escape game.”
Willey says Hillary Clinton orchestrated every one of the investigations of all the women who accused her husband of sexual crimes and inappropriate behavior. And she warns it will not stop if Hillary Clinton runs for president.
As WND reported, Willey and her husband, Ed, were Democratic activists who founded Virginians for Clinton and helped send Bill and Hillary to the White House in 1992.
While serving as a volunteer in the White House and facing financial hard times, Willey says she met with Bill Clinton in the Oval Office to request a paying position. But instead of getting help, she says, she was subjected to “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.” Distraught, Willey fled Clinton’s presence, only to discover that her husband Ed had committed suicide that same tragic afternoon.
Later, she was drawn “unwillingly” into the Paula Jones lawsuit, the Ken Starr investigation and impeachment proceedings.
Willey also claims the Clinton tag team was behind a string of events that can only be described as a mob-style intimidation campaign to keep her silent that even included breaking into her home to steal her memoirs of the events.
Nonetheless, Willey wrote about her experiences with Bill Clinton’s sex addiction and Hillary Clinton’s revenge in the book “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill & Hillary Clinton.”
Willey wrote “Target” when Hillary Clinton was running for president the first time in 2007, and her comments today are all the more relevant now that Clinton is considering a 2016 presidential bid and a number of figures are examining the former first lady’s reactions to her husband’s indiscretions in the Oval Office.


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