Thursday, May 8, 2014

Unbecoming Behavior By Republicans. They Should Be Ashamed. Such Behavior Might Increase The Chance Of A Democratic Victory In The Fall.

Palin Scolds GOP Establishment for 'Gloating'

Image: Palin Scolds GOP Establishment for 'Gloating'
Thursday, 08 May 2014 08:01 AM
By Melanie Batley
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Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin scolded Republican operatives for bragging about victories over tea party candidates following a first round Tuesday of 2014 GOP primaries that saw establishment candidates prevail.

After Republican establishment candidates trounced conservative challengers, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee wrote a lengthy retort on her Facebook pageWednesday.

"Congratulations to candidates in yesterday's small pool of state primary elections who will now move on to their respective general elections," Palin wrote in her post.

"Now, knock off the gloating," she wrote, referring to a report by Breitbart citing a series of boasting tweets and statements by GOP establishment operatives trumpeting their glee.

The clash reflects the intensifying battle between tea party conservatives and the Republican establishment after the two locked horns over strategy in September's budget fight leading to the government shutdown.

At the time, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce blamed tea party lawmakers for the economic damage caused by the government shutdown and vowed to pour money into campaigns to elect pro-business moderates against tea party candidates. The group said it would spend at least $50 million on campaigns to support centrist GOP candidates in 2014.

Tuesday's races were the first indication that the business organization is capable of delivering on its commitment.

In Ohio, House Speaker John Boehner handily won his primary against a tea party insurgent, while in North Carolina, House Speaker Thom Tillis secured the GOP's Senate nomination by prevailing over tea party contender Greg Brannon with the help of television ads paid for by the chamber.

In other races in Ohio and North Carolina, establishment incumbents also won against underfunded tea party challengers.

"C'mon now guys," Palin wrote on Facebook. "This gloating among establishment Republicans calls for the same reprimand we parents offer 12-year-olds who scuffle on the playground.

"I often remind my young daughter, especially, after her ball games, of the importance of being considerate and gracious in both victory and defeat."

Palin also called on the Republican establishment to "ratchet any kind of arrogance way down and get in touch with independent, constitutional conservatives who build the base of the party." Such conservatives, she wrote, "do thankless work to put boots on the ground for your campaigns, and they show up to vote if you give us good reason to vote. Anything less and we will not secure victory for America this fall."

The chamber's first victory was in a November Alabama House race when the group backed Bradley Byrne to defeat tea party candidate Dean Young.

The chamber also announced it would contribute to contests in Idaho, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

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