Thursday, May 22, 2014

We, The Voters Are The Problem. We Vote For The Same Goofs And Expect Different Results!

This National Journal Graphic Illustrates Everything You Need To Know About What Is Wrong With Congress

May 22, 2014 by  
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Based on the results of the latest round of primary elections, Americans aren’t exactly sending a message to members of Congress who are doing an unsatisfactory job.

Via National Journal:

Americans might be mad as hell at Congress—but they’re going to keep taking it.
Consider these two facts:
1: Congressional approval is at 11 percent, as measured by the latest Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll.
2: Exactly zero incumbent candidates—for the Senate or House—have lost a primary race in this midterm cycle. In Tuesday’s congressional primaries, incumbents went 45 for 45, and establishment Republicans won easy victories against their tea-party rivals. Despite how much voters say they hate the current Congress, they still like them better than their primary challengers.

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