Friday, May 9, 2014

Will Republlcans Support Amash If He Wins The Michigan House Seat? Or Will Primary Been Too Bruising?

GOP Turns Against Tea Party Rep. Amash in Michigan

Thursday, 08 May 2014 08:48 PM
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Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan faces a bruising primary battle to hold on to his House seat, with business interests and even some of Amash’s fellow House Republicans supporting a challenge to the unpredictable tea party incumbent.

Any "epic throwdown" between Amash and finance advisor Brian Ellis will be a clash of fundraising titans on both sides, Politico reports.

Amash has the Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity and Club for Growth in his corner. Ellis’s business-group backers include the fundraising arms of Home Depot and Dow Chemical. One of Amash’s Michigan Republican colleagues, Rep. Mike Rogers, cut his opponent a $5,000 check, telling Politico that Amash "votes more with the Democrats than with the Republicans."

Amash led comfortably in a recent poll commissioned by one of Amash’s supporters, Club for Growth, The Hill reports.

But a Republican establishment that’s feeling flush with recent primary wins elsewherehas decided Amash is a liability — and unfaithful to his tea party branding.

"Justin Amash talks conservative, but he voted against the Balanced Budget Amendment, against the ban on gender selection abortions and with President Obama 51 percent of the time," an Ellis campaign ad declared.

Amash also has aggravated some Republicans with his vocal criticisms of the National Security Agency’s data-collection practices. Amash told Politico that his opponent "is running on more corporate welfare, unconstitutional spying and support for Common Core.

"Wishful thinking can’t save a guy this out of touch."

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