Monday, June 9, 2014

Can You Imagine Anything Worse Than Hillary As President And Michelle Obama As A Senator? Would This Mean The End Of The Country?

Senator Michelle Obama: Who’s Ready For Another Liberal Political Dynasty?

June 9, 2014 by  
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If you’ve enjoyed watching the Clinton Dynasty become a permanent fixture in liberal politics, you’re going to love this: Senator Michelle Obama.
Reuters published a column last week by White House Dossier editor Keith Koffler in which he speculates that the first lady has her eye on Illinois Republican Senator Mark Kirk’s seat in 2016.
Koffler’s assertion that Obama could be headed in a Hillary-esque direction stems from observations of her recent attacks on Republican lawmakers who have dared to attempt to roll back her wildly unpopular school lunch nutrition standards.
Here’s a little background via a May 27 Associated Press report:
An agriculture spending bill approved by a House subcommittee last week would allow schools to waive the standards if they have a net loss on school food programs for a six-month period. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., who wrote the bill, said he was responding to requests from school food directors.
The standards championed by the first lady have been phased in over the past two school years, with more changes coming in 2014. The rules set fat, calorie, sugar and sodium limits on foods in the lunch line and beyond.
While many schools have had success putting the rules in place, others have said they are too restrictive and costly. Schools pushing for changes say limits on sodium and requirements for more whole grains are particularly challenging, while some school officials say kids are throwing away fruits and vegetables that are required.
Obama penned a New York Times column last month accusing Republicans of attempting to “override science” by doing away with nutrition standards that are leaving school kids dissatisfied with lunch options and costing schools money.
“…[S]ome members of the House of Representatives are now threatening to roll back these new standards and lower the quality of food our kids get in school,” Obama wrote. “They want to make it optional, not mandatory, for schools to serve fruits and vegetables to our kids. They also want to allow more sodium and fewer whole grains than recommended into school lunches.”
The first lady’s increasingly antagonistic — and unachievable, if not for political nepotism — relationship with Congress isn’t the only thing that makes her a prime suspect for a Democratic challenger to the GOP Senator in 2016.
Kirk is a Republican in a heavily Democratic State. But Koffler wagers that the Senator’s brave recovery from a stroke that he suffered in 2012 could help him to curry favor with voters, making it a tough race for a challenger. That is, unless the lawmaker opts to retire at the end of his term — which, perhaps, would give Democrats even more incentive to find an unbeatable candidate to hedge against the uncertainty of an open race.
Either way, Obama’s “star power” and fundraising ability enabled by what Americans already recognize as an extremely efficient Obama campaign apparatus would stack the cards in the first lady’s favor. Furthermore, she’d be running in a heavily Chicago-centric district where her community organizer husband is still fondly remembered.
“She could represent the Democrats’ best chance to pick up a desperately needed — and winnable — seat,” Koffler wrote.

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