Friday, June 27, 2014

Cochran Vote Buying Will Hurt Him In The Fall And Potentially Will Turn Seat Over To Dems

Mississippi GOP Primary Proves We Are Rome

June 27, 2014 by 
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Hello. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty.
Are we Rome? Is Nero fiddling while Rome burns? Is Thad Cochran’s close victory in Mississippi symbolic of a modern-day Nero?
Have you seen the latest economic figures? The U.S. economy is in free fall.
We are headed for economic Armageddon. Our economy is shrinking at an alarming rate. We may already be in a Barack Obama Great Depression. At the root of all of it are debt and spending. Both are expanding at a record-setting pace.
Yet establishment D.C. politicians — even GOP politicians like Cochran — save their jobs by promising more Federal spending, more welfare, more food stamps, more government contracts and loans. All this bribery is offered so a desperate, 76-year-old career politician can keep his job until the day he dies.
We have met the enemy, and it is us. It’s Washington DC. It’s the establishment saving their lifelong jobs by spending taxpayer money, putting us all into debt, and destroying our economy and our children’s future. One old Mississippi career politician hanging on for his fourth decade in the U.S. Senate is Exhibit A of the decline and destruction of America.
This race had special importance to me because I just returned from “ground zero.” I spent days barnstorming the State of Mississippi, speaking at Tea Party Express rallies for Chris McDaniel. I’m proud to now call Chris a friend.
Tea Party and conservative groups should hold their heads high. A political newcomer came within a whisker of pulling off one of the greatest upsets in modern political history against powerful elitist and D.C. special interest groups. We tried to save America from obscene and unsustainable spending. But the voters of Mississippi (by the slimmest of margins) chose fantasyland. They chose to keep the checks coming at all costs — even if there’s no money left to give. They chose the continued looting and eventual bankruptcy of America.
The rallies that I witnessed across Mississippi are the perfect “model” for the looting of America. The stark contract in the rallies for McDaniel and Cochrane pinpoint what is happening to America: elections are being won by the government class offering bribery with taxpayer money. Desperate politicians pull out razor-thin victories only by pandering to those benefitting from government jobs, checks, loans or grants.
I spent three days crisscrossing the State for McDaniel. I spoke in places like Tupelo, Biloxi and Pearl. Everywhere the Tea Party Express went we met loud, wild, enthusiastic crowds. But what is most important is who was in those crowds: average, middle-class Americans. I met homemakers, police officers, firefighters, small-business owners, veterans and taxpayers. These are the citizens who made America great.
As I was leaving Mississippi, I happened to stumble onto a Cochran rally at the Biloxi airport. It was sparsely attended. Who were the few attendees? Political operatives, GOP establishment politicians and government employees. Everyone at Cochran’s rally made a living off either politics or government (or both). No one was there because he wanted to be there. Cochran’s supporters were paid to be there. Their jobs or careers depended on his staying in power.
This is what the establishment GOP has become. How sad. Just like Democrats, their entire lives and careers are based on fleecing taxpayers and common citizens to pay for their government jobs, political jobs or their companies that are funded by government contracts.
Then there was the last-second plea by Cochran to save his six-term Senate career. This supposedly conservative Republican appealed to black Democrats and union members to cross over to vote in the GOP primary. He reminded them of the Federal money he has brought to Mississippi for four decades.
Cochran also campaigned at military bases and plants manufacturing military equipment to remind voters that only he can “bring home the bacon.” His TV ads actually listed the Federal money he’s brought back to each specific Mississippi company.
Sound familiar? Appealing to Democrats who want bigger government and more checks — isn’t that what career Democrat politicians do? Appealing to union members and government employees — isn’t that what career Democrat politicians do? And outspending your opponent by about 3 to 1 with funds donated by corporate interests and the Chamber of Commerce — isn’t that called buying the election? Is this what the Founding Fathers wanted for America?
This is the perfect “model” for why America is in decline. One candidate (McDaniel) stood for the middle class, small business, the citizens. Yet he lost to a career politician who has spent four decades in corrupt Washington, D.C., where he learned to buy votes by promising more Federal spending, more entitlement checks and more crony capitalism.
It’s amazing and sad to note that this strategy of crony capitalism and bribery still wins elections while the country is insolvent, with more than $100 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities.
Perhaps Hillary Clinton was right. It does take a village to succeed. In this case it took an entire city: Washington, D.C. It took the power of government and millions of dollars in big business and special interest spending to ensure a career politician can stay in office until he dies.
The problem for the Thad Cochrans of the political world is that this strategy is in its final days. The country is broke and living on Fed printing of fake dollars. What will the career politicians do when the spigot runs dry?
The Cochran victory brings up the question: Are we Rome?
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America.

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