Saturday, June 14, 2014

If We Don't Leave Anyone Behind, What About The Marine In Mexico?

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U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi
A team of bikers plans to rally Saturday at the Southwest border in support of a U.S. Marine in custody in Mexico and to deliver a message to the world.
“We’re proclaiming that the occupant of the White House … no longer speaks for us. The American people will speak for themselves,” John Harrington, president of gun seller Shield Tactical, told WND Friday.
Harrington said the activists want to “remind the world, one citizen at a time, that we are still the greatest nation.”
“We are still the No. 1 superpower,” he said.
Some, however, are apologizing for America, insisting it’s no longer great.
“More and more, the people are deciding it is time for us to pick up the mantle of freedom,” he said. “‘We the People’ of America, not talking heads reading teleprompters.”
The issue at hand is the detention in Mexico of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, 25, who has been in prison since his arrest April 1 after he took a wrong turn and ended up over the border with his guns, which are legal in the United States but not in Mexico.
The controversy has reached a fever pitch for many in light of the Obama administration’s release of five Taliban terror leaders from the Guantanamo Bay prison in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who had been held in the Middle East.
There have been no known moves on the part of the Obama administration to have Tahmooressi returned to the U.S., his supporters charge.
Harrington, who is updating the “very fluid” rally plan on Facebook, told WND he wants to make it clear that the bikers joining in the rally are not fools.
He debunked Internet rumors that the rally is some sort of raid on the Mexican prison to free Tahmooressi. Instead, he said, the Mexico government will be warned that there will be a cost should it keep the Marine.
“Don’t take one of ours,” he said. “We’ll do something about it.
“We will find ways … to choke your money off. There are many different ways to do it. That’s the message.”
Harrington told WND the bikers at some point Saturday will make the trip to the border to deliver a written proclamation.
The timing of the events and actual plans depend on a number of factors, such as the arrival of other bikers and the turnout.
He discussed his plans earlier in a video report:
In the report, Harrington said members of Riders USA were joining the “ride to the border,” which was drawing a lot of support.
“It’s time we start fighting fire with fire,” he said. “Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi back in March made a wrong turn, ended up in Mexico … he actually was up front with Customs and told them he had guns in the car.
“Now he’s in a Mexican jail.”
Harrington, who said he was still drafting his statement for the rally, criticized Obama for his lack of action.
He said Obama left “four behind” in Benghazi, the four Americans killed by terrorists, and went to extraordinary lengths to retrieve a solder detained in the Middle East by exchanging him for five terror leaders.
He pointed out the Mexican military “crosses the U.S. border daily.”
“We turn around and let them go home.”
WND reported earlier when Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said he was speaking only partly tongue-in-cheek when he suggested President Obama send five Democrats, including Secretary of State John Kerry, former Sen. Hillary Clinton and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to Mexico in exchange for the U.S. Marine.
WND columnist Gina Loudon also wrote about the Tahmooressi case.
“In my backyard, Sgt. Tahmooressi, who served ‘with distinction’ on two tours of duty, waits for Obama to make a phone call to Mexico on his behalf. Patriots fought to get more than 100,000 signatures at to ensure that Obama had to respond, but so far, crickets,” she said.
Earlier, Jill Tahmooressi, the mother of the jailed Marine sergeant, said her son was encouraged by people who are pressing for his freedom.
“He fought for them, and now it is so nice to see so many are willing to fight for him,” she told WND in an interview.
Hear Loudon’s comments:
Andrew Tahmooressi graduated with honors as a Florida Bright Scholar and was a pilot by the age of 17.
“He could have chosen any public university in the country,” his mother said, “but he knew he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do yet, and he told me he didn’t want to waste the government’s money, or mine. That’s the kind of person he is.”


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